Thursday, October 31, 2019
Profit and loss account - Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Profit and loss account - - Assignment Example This ratio determines the efficiency, profitability and liquidity level of the company. Profit margin is one of the ratios that is used to determine the amount of profit a company makes over time. Both A and B there is improved performance since the profit margin is seen increase in the year 2012 (Siddiqui, 2005). These two ratios determine the liquidity position of a company. While current ratio includes inventories, acid test ratio does not. They measure the capability of a company to meet up the obligations that are falling due. A ratio of higher than one is considered good. Both A and B there is improved performance since the acid test ratio increased in 2012 while the current ratio remained unchanged. These ratios measure the ability of the company to convert stock to cash. In both A and B there is reduction in debt collection period and this implies increased efficiency since the period it takes for the debts to be cleared is reduced. This in the end shows an improvement in the year
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Strategic Financial Management - Marks and Spencer Essay
Strategic Financial Management - Marks and Spencer - Essay Example In other words, the strategy of a company may be just to make money or it may be to provide the customers with socially and environmentally beneficial products the society may demand (Henriques, 2010, p.17). A company may have its focus only on selling its products and generate revenues. However, in that case, the company may never realize how the money is made. On the other hand, focusing on social and environmental objectives of a firm enable the company to consider its responsibilities sincerely towards the society and the environment that may include increasing employments, having no discriminatory measures within the organizational activities, manufacturing products that are pollution free and hence eco-friendly in nature (Henriques, 2010, p.17). These factors enable a company to more effectively satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers which in turn is bound to positively impact the company’s sales and financial performances. Thus the rationale behind a compan y considering non-financial objectives like social and environment issues is primarily the fact that non-financial objectives enable a company to realize the measures it needs to consider along worth selling of products, to successfully and more satisfactorily fulfill the needs of their customer having concern and facilities for the society as a whole and the environment eventually reflecting desired financial results. b. Marks and Spencer: Reporting of its performances reflecting financial and non-financial objectives: The Marks and Spencer company leading in its market in providing its customers with high quality clothing and home products as well high value for the food products it sells. The... The intention of this study is Marks and Spencer as a brand of retailer group in the United Kingdom leading among several companies. The company provides its customers with clothing and other home products that are superior in quality and provide high value for money to the customers. The company is into the businesses of clothing, home products as well as food. It is also presently known for its environmental friendly activities. The Marks and Spencer company leading in its market in providing its customers with high quality clothing and home products as well high value for the food products it sells. The reporting of the company on its performances reflect that the company not only focuses on selling products and generate revenues, but it also has social and environmental objectives that deal with serving the society and the environment as a whole. As the reporting of the company reflects, the company’s turnover has been recorded to be  £8.7 billion in the last year obtain ed from clothing, home and food products. The clothing and home products have been found to gain sales revenues of  £4.2 billion showing an increase of around 3.9 percent from the previous year. Food products have also reflected increase in sales from the previous year generating revenues of  £4.5 billion from sales. The company has around 700 stores that make the products of the company available to its customers (About M&S, 2011). The above mentioned results reflect the financial performances of the company that has shown highly improved and satisfactory results for the company implying the financial objectives of the company to be successful in its implementation.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Strategic Management: Business Level and Function Level
Strategic Management: Business Level and Function Level Strategic management deals with important and main initiatives taken by managers on behalf of owners. These initiatives involve resource utilisation so that performance of their firms is enhanced in external environment. Organizations vision, mission and objectives are specified by strategic management. Not only this but also developing plans and policies for organization, projects and programs that are due to fulfill these objectives and also allocating proper resources to implement plan, project, programs and policies is also tasks of strategic management. To evaluate the whole performance of the business and its growth towards objectives, a balanced scorecard is frequently used. Strategy needs to initiate with stakeholders expectations and use a customized balanced scorecard which takes in all stakeholders are also stated by latest studies and foremost management theorists. Strategic management is nothing but a level of managerial activity that is responsible for setting goals and all the necessary strategies. Providing the overall direction toward which the business or the organization vision to move forward is also the responsibility of strategic management. According to Gary Hamel and Michael Porter, the role of strategic management is to figure out the core competencies, and then bring together a set of assets that will offer a competitive advantage and increase value added. It is also stated that to make it happen innovation, organizational structure and reputation, these 3 types of capabilities are essential. Enterprise strategy has its own three levels. It is formulated and implanted in these three levels. These levels are: Corporate level, Business unit level, Functional or departmental level. At the business stage, people are accountable for creating value through their businesses. People do so by managing their portfolio of businesses, which ensures that businesses are winning over the long term, rising business units, and from time to time ensuring that every business is well-matched with others in their portfolio. Business units are the core of product or service development. Products and services are developed by business units. The role of the corporation is to manage its business units, products and services so that each is competitive and so that each contributes to company purposes. Corporate level strategy basically is alarmed with choice of businesses in which company should struggle and with development and harmonization of that portfolio of businesses. Strategies: Corporate level strategy is concerned with: Defining the issues that are corporate everyday jobs. These might include identifying the on the whole vision, mission, and goals of the company, the type of business firm should be concerned, and the way in which businesses will be integrated and managed. Its known as Reach. Defining where in firm competition is to be limited to a small area. Its nothing but Competitive Contact. Business strategy seeks to develop synergies by sharing and bringing together employees and other assets across company units, investing monetary possessions across business units, and using trade units to harmonize other commercial business activities, its Managing Activities and Business Interrelationships. Corporations make a decision, how business units are to be governed: through direct corporate intervention (centralization) or through independent government (decentralization). And it is Management Practices. Business Unit Level Strategy A tactical industry unit may be any profit center that can be designed separately from the other business units of business. At the business unit level, the planned issues are about both realistic management of operating units and about developing and at the bottom of a competitive advantage for the products and services that are produced. Functional Level Strategy The functional level of your organization is the level of the operating divisions and departments. The strategic issues at the functional level are related to functional business processes and value chain. Functional level strategies in RD, operations, manufacturing, marketing, finance, and human resources involve the development and coordination of resources through which business unit level strategies can be executed effectively and efficiently. Functional units of your organization are involved in higher level strategies by providing input into the business unit level and corporate level strategy, such as providing information on customer feedback or on resources and capabilities on which the higher level strategies can be based. Once the higher level strategy or strategic intent is developed, the functional units translate them into discrete action plans that each department or division must accomplish for the strategy to succeed. Whittingtons and Mintzbergs strategy concepts: Now, to perform well, some strategy models are really important. Not necessarily all models are quite good or updated with modern business but they do influence either internal or external or both environments. But to treat an organization properly managers have to think it as a whole being. Measuring different parts can lead to misjudgment and further situation where loss can occur. As Mintzberg, Ahlstrand and Lampel stated, the story of blind men is not new to anyone. To them different parts of the elephant felt totally different. As, one felt the leg as a tree, other one felt the trunk as a big snake. But they got a wrong perception coz they were blind and with touch they only could perceive limited parts. But managers of organizations are not blinds; moreover they are very conscious for everything. But the developed models that are already in market is limited to different parts of the organization. If those models are not updated according to recent times, it would be not only h ard to use them but also less profitable. Now if we consider mintzbergs comparative analysis of ten schools, the n we need to know first about the schools. There are total ten schools, The Design School, The Planning School, The Positioning School, The Entrepreneurial School, The Cognitive School, The Learning School, The Power School, The Cultural School, The Environmental School, and The Configuration School. These schools focus on different aspects of the total business reminding managers that one part remains untreated and the business can fall very quickly. Mintzberg thought of strategic planning thoroughly but he was unable to come to one point. So he drove more deep and then he found out that there may not be only one strategic planning while so many people are using it too differently to match. So, he concluded that there is no one strategy there is five types of strategies. These are listed as: Strategy as plan, Strategy as ploy, Strategy as pattern, Strategy as position, S trategy as perspective. These five types of strategies were actually developed in process of 10 schools of thoughts which are already given above. These ten schools were grouped into three categories. It goes like this prescriptive or normative (informal design and conception school, the formal planning school, and the analytical positioning school), 2nd group (entrepreneurial, visionary, or great leader school, the cognitive or mental process school, the learning, adaptive, or emergent process school, the power or negotiation school, the corporate culture or collective process school, and the business environment or reactive school) it mainly focuses on how strategic management is actually performed rather than how its hypothesized as to be done. The 3rd group (the configuration or transformation school), its more like a hybrid of other schools. According to Mintzberg, strategies are less theoretical and more practical and thats why its more dynamic and flexible than management per ceives it. In 2001, Whittington, categorized the strategy concept in four approaches: Classic approach, evolutionary approach, process approach, systemic approach. There is nothing more to describe about these approaches but what is important that Whittington himself put an end to his perspectives like elaborating strategy is hard enough and there is no one or another way. But when it comes to real life, implication and performance is well influenced by each of these approaches. So we can say that each of these approaches has a place in reality. Strategic management is also not above limitations. When it comes to hard situation that demand instant act, fluidity is much appreciable than rigid methods or direction to do the work. It not only make the performance non-innovative but sometimes it also pay by loosing many opportunities. It also ends up defining the organization narrowly. Now, if it comes to strategic theories, its always not so dependable. Modern business is so dynamic that one or two theories cant possibly cover all the fact or parts equally. It covers some parts but not full. But if we think a business as a being, we cant possibly look at only one or two parts; we have to look for the whole thing. A part or parts may lead to many misconceptions, when the full views can give totally a different view. As a matter of fact like theorists there is more to say about limitation. Gary Hamel in 2000 coined the name strategic convergence to give details of the incomplete range of the strategies being used by competitors very much differing circumstances. He mourned that strategies converge further than they should, because the more flourishing ones are mimicked by businesses that do not recognize that the strategic process involves scheming a modified strategy for the particulars of each circumstances. Ram Charan, arranging in a line with a admired marketing tagline, considers that strategic planning must not lead action. Just do it!, whereas not quite what he intended to mean, is a phrase that on the other hand comes to mind when fighting analysis paralysis. In the real world in which strategies have to be put into practice, the three fundamentals are mutually dependent. Means are as likely to determine ends as ends are to determine means. The objectives that an organization might wish to follow may be limited by the lack of feasible approaches available out. There is typically only a little number of approaches that will not only be technically and administratively achievable, but also acceptable to the full collection of organizational stakeholders. In turn, the choice of feasible implementation approaches is determined by the accessibility of resources. Conclusion: Till now all the factors, analysis, theories has been collected, its quite clear that strategic management is not as much powerful as it seems in theories or when someone is describing it. After all nothing can be in ceteris paribus when its the real business world we are talking about. So, why it has to be different than journals if one might say, its obviously has to be different coz the journal cant be updated in every second but unfortunately the world is changing, creating new opportunities and threats in every second. So many things are happening in one second that its quite unimaginable. So itll be quite awkward and foolish to think that itll be always like as it is said in case of strategic management after all strategic management is not so different than other theories or conceptual works. It must to have its own lacking. Dynamic business world demands process that can be changed so easily that one might be able not to pay the price for time limit. As time restriction is so terrifying that one moment one have an opportunity to grasp the next moment its taken by someone else. So if there is no much flexibility, opportunities are going to be lost in the depth of abyss. So, this statement Strategic Planning makes little or no contribution to the firms prosperity in todays turbulent environment, may not be so wrong a statement if we really consider all of the scenes. At the end its the full matter of means and end. Ways that allow the means to meet the ends is suitable for the dynamic world whether it is so called theories or something new.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Pact Essay -- Pact Essays
The Pact With Teacher Comments To say that I have a personal connection with any of the authors of â€Å"The Pact†(Books should be underlined or in italics, but not in quotatations) would be a stretch at best. From the time before my very first breath, my life has been completely different. Throughout the years, my life further diverged, until you examine our (maybe use â€Å"my†instead of â€Å"our†– makes the connection to yourself) college years. Despite the differences, many similarities can be found just by taking a look at events, rather than situations. These situations (events – you said to focus on the events rather than the situations) are my connection to â€Å"The Pact†. The families of the three authors had all been relatively poor, and many of them uneducated, like Sam’s mother. Even their grandparents had started life out poor, and many would end their lives little better than poor. Here I have a connection. It takes going all the way back to grandparents. My grandmother on my father’s side began life as a share cropper, and was very poor. She dropped out of school to help with the family – I moved this up here for a better understanding before she learned to read. Over the years she taught herself to read since she felt it was an essential skill really was a required skill. She later met my grandfather, who I never met since he died from emphysema before I was born before my birth from emphysema. Obviously (Is it obvious? The reader is dumb and only knows what you tell them. It is difficult to assume that the reader will automatically know something) , she had a son before that, my father. He was a smart man, but lik e in The Pact the story, lacked direction. (New Paragraph) He had learned some electronics, a... special; I think I ended with a 2.8 GPA, and that was only because I excelled in my computer science classes. My time then down at UNT was a terrible experience that like the authors, I don’t think I would have survived without good friends, and a supporting family. My GPA there when I left I think was around 2.3. Again, still basically a ‘C’ student, where our authors were making good grades, and even sitting near the tops of their classes. Now at Penn State, I decided to actually try for a change, and hope to graduate with a 3.5 GPA. Overall, a very nicely done paper. You draw a clear connection between the story and your life. This paper could use some development work, but the main idea is clear. Keep up the good work and revise it with some of the changes I made, as well as changes of your own. By doing so, you will have an awesome paper to publish.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
JROTC Leadership and Characterization Essay
Leadership is defined as the process in which an individual influences the group of individuals to attain a common goal. The goal is attained by mutual cooperation and behavior. A leader has a sense of positivity and directs others to reach the specified goal. In The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, (JROTC) the leaders teach us how to become better leaders. They also teach us to build character and leadership by providing guidance and putting us cadets in a position that we are not accustomed to. This helps us adapt to new types of things.We also have to set the example for the school, especially when we wear our uniforms. When we put on that uniform it means we are to be a leader. People watch us because we have the uniform on and they know we are a part of JROTC therefore they expect more out of us. A leader is someone who stands not only for their cause but takes responsibility and motivates other individuals also. There is a difference between being a boss and a leader. A leader is a motivation for others and inspires individuals to aim higher and attain that aim.However, a boss only supervises over his inferiors. Power naturally comes to a leader but power has to be earned by a boss. The best leaders are those who can lead and direct without misuse of their power. They must be able to inspire others in a direction or greater good. They must be strong enough to stand firm in decision making and leading others without a selfish attitude. In order to be a successful leader it is essential to have good character. You must have honesty, confidence, communication, and commitment.You have to have honesty because if someone is doing something wrong you need to be able to have honest feedback. You need communication because you need to be able to command your platoon. You need to have commitment because you need to stick with it and create a relationship with your platoon so you, and they, will feel more comfortable. You need to have confidence because you need to be sure of what you are doing at all times. No one wants or needs a weak leader. I think have confidence is one of the most important traits to be a good leader.One person that I think has all of these characteristics and is a great is leader is President Barack Obama. He sets a great example for the country. He is honest, he has not quit and always looks focused on his work. I think I am a good leader because I have all of those character traits. I also have respect, passion, and am very supportive. JROTC has helps me a lot with my character and my personality. I do not have to be a follower anymore. I am now a leader because of JROTC.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
On the legacy of Elliot Liebow and Carol Stack: Context-driven fieldwork and the need for continuous ethnography Essay
Ethnographic Research Introduction Reading response     The study reveals that ethnographic research is used to study people’s culture in different geographical locations and or occupations. Most research are concerned with the studies of people in either schools or communities. Hence, it can be concluded that ethnographic research are the major approach to the study groups of people. The studies also revealed that ethnographic studies obtain data using two main research methodologies, which include observations and interviews. Some studies combine both interviews and observations as the tools of data collection for example Duener, (2007). Few studies rely on only one type of data collection tool where interviews dominate. However, the two data collection tools are inseparable in most studies.     Ethnographic research involves studying a group of people or their cultures that can be done in schools or other fields. For example, it can involve studying of the performance of students in school and how they interact during their studies or communities interactions (Valenzuela, 2005; Fine, Centrie, & Roberts, 2000).The study is one of the most preferred research approaches since it allows observe and record data in an interactive session with participants (Gilmore, & McDermott, 2006). As a result, the study generates detailed and accurate data about the study subjects. The research approach is simple and cheap and thus it is suitable to study wide variety of populations and geographical locations.     Ethnographic research involves interactions between participants and researchers. During these interactions, the researchers use various methodologies to obtain data from the participants. Observations and interviews forms the major methodologies used to carry ethnographic research. For example, Heath, (1983) Flowers, (2000) and Fine et al., (2000) uses interviews to obtain information from the study populations. Interviews help the researcher to obtain data from the participant through question and answer session. Duneier, (2007) used observations to obtain data about how kinsmen are brought up during their childhood. According to the observations, the study revealed that family members and not their mothers kept at least one-third of the target subjects, kinsmen. Reflection     The data collected from ethnographic studies may give descriptions of how people lived in the past or in day-to-day life and how explains their behavioural interactions. Hence, it makes it easier to study people in the different communities and their behaviour. The results obtained from these studies gives insight or deeper understanding of the people of a given community. For example, ethnographic study carried out by Duneier, (2007) gave insight on how families and parents relates with their kinsmen. This helps to give broader understanding how the society brings up their relatives. In addition, the data obtained from ethnographic studies can be used to give insights on various social processes in a given field. For example, a number of studies involved data collection from schools and helped the research to understand how various performances are related to other factors that children interacts with for example repeating of classes.     In addition, the ethnographic studies help one to have a deeper understanding of the societies in terms of what they do, how they behave, and how they interact socially. Understanding of such issues is an important factor in developing an area of interest in any field of study. For example, since most ethnographic studies involve groups of people in either school and out of schools field, it would be appropriate adopt ethnographic studies in the field of education and study how children interacts and perform in school. In addition, the interactions between teachers and children may be studied to understand whether there is relationship with their performances. This is because, in a group of people, it would be easier to carry out observations when they are interacting together. Moreover, it would be appropriate to carry out interviews. Description of the final topic     The topic of the final paper will be how children’ behaviour impacts on their academic performance in local schools. The study will involve studying children’s behaviour at school and home and then relating it to the academic performances. Some studies argue that bad behaviour detracts children from academic activities and thus affecting their performances negatively. On the other hand, studies argue that children behaviour has no impact on their academic performance in schools. Hence, the study will try to establish whether there is a correlation of behaviour and academic performance.     The study will involve observations of children in school and homes and their behaviours recorded as good or bad. Some features such as how they interact with other children in schools and homes, obedience, and respect to adults and their teachers will be used as major observational characteristics. In addition, interviews will be conducted to both parents and teachers top evaluate the behaviour of their children. Academic performance will be retrieved from the schools’ achieve databases. This will then be related with the performance of the children and conclusion reached.     The study will help to prove the current contentious findings on the impacts of children’s behaviour on the academic performance. The information obtained from this study will help parents and teachers to understand whether children’s behaviour affects their performances in school. As a result, they will be able to make appropriate decisions and implement appropriate measures. Reference Duneier, M. (2007). On the legacy of Elliot Liebow and Carol Stack: Context-driven fieldwork and the need for continuous ethnography. Focus, 25(1), 33-38. Fine, M., Weis, L., Centrie, C., & Roberts, R. (2000). Educating beyond the borders of schooling. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 31(2), 131-151. Flowers, D. A. (2000). Codeswitching and Ebonics in Urban Adult Basic Education Classrooms. Education and Urban Society, 32(2), 221-36.Gilmore, P., & McDermott, R. (2006). †And This Is How You Shall Ask†: Linguistics, Anthropology, and Education in the Work of David Smith. Anthropology & education quarterly, 37(2), 199-211.Heath, S. B. (1983). Ways with words: Language, life and work in communities and classrooms. cambridge university Press. Valenzuela, A. (2005). Subtractive schooling, caring relations, and social capital in the schooling of US-Mexican youth. Beyond silenced voices: Class, race, and gender in United States schools, 83-94. Source document
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What is an American essays
What is an American essays American is a word that we use almost everyday to express what we are. But exactly what does that word mean? Does it mean that we work a standard 40 hour week? Does it mean that we have exactly 2.5 children and half of our parents are divorced? The word American entails more than those trivial facts about the United States of America. Is an American one who will run into burning builds to save another? Someone who believes in all that America does criticizing nothing at all? A true American means that a person is entrenched into America's culture, takes advantage of all our freedoms, and has a sense of their history. First of all, an American knows full and well the culture of the country that they are living in. They should know what sports is known as our national pastime as well as other small facts that make our country special. They should know who our president is as well as being entrenched in the music and movies of the times. However, culture is more than just knowing the famous and well known aspects of our country. Culture is just the environment that every American lives in. For example, how many Americans could go through an entire day without watching TV? Things like TV, coffee, and the internet are staples of the American culture that we all are involved in, in some way, shape, or form. Yet and still it's easy for Americans to not be into the culture even though they wake up in it every morning. Case in point, the two biggest issues in the last few months have been the presidential election and the war over in the Middle East. A true American is abreast of all the issues that will directly affect their and their families' lives. They watch the news every few days and participate in elections if they are able to. Americans now want to be more culturally conscience of other cultures. Even fifty years ago, W.E.B Duboise saw the need for all people to live in a harmonious society. In his Credo, he writes, "I BELIEVE in Go...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Grapes of Wrath Importance of the Title
'The Grapes of Wrath Importance of the Title The Grapes of Wrath, a Pulitzer-prize winning book written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939, tells the story of the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven out of Depression-era Oklahoma also referred to as Oakies by drought and economic factors, who migrate to Californa in search of a better life. Steinbeck had trouble coming up with the title for the novel, a classic in American literature, and his wife actually suggested using the phrase. From Bible to Battle Hymn The title, itself, is a reference to lyrics from The Battle Hymn of the Republic, written in 1861 by Julia Ward Howe, and first published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1862: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:His truth is marching on. The words have some important resonance in American culture. For example, Martin Luther King Jr, in his address at the conclusion of the Selma-to-Montgomery, Alabama, civil rights march in 1965, quoted these very words from the hymn. The lyrics, in turn, reference a biblical passage in Revelations 14:19-20, where the evil inhabitants of Earth perish:  And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the wine press, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. In the Book The phrase grapes of wrath does not appear almost until the end of the 465-page novel: In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. According to eNotes; The oppressed such as the Okies are ripening in their understanding of their oppression. The fruit of their anger is ready to be harvested. In other words, you can push the downtrodden so far, but eventually, there will be a price to pay. In all of these references from the tribulations of Joads, to the battle hymn, the biblical passage and Kings speech the key point is that in response to any oppression, there will be a reckoning, likely ordained by God, and that rightness and justice will prevail. Study Guide QuotesThe Battle Hymn of the RepublicQuestions for Study DiscussionJohn Steinbeck Biography
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Autobiography on Ernest Hemingway Essays - Ernest Hemingway
Autobiography on Ernest Hemingway Earnest Miller Hemingway was borin in Oak Park Illinois. After graduating from high school, he got a job at a paper called "Kansas City Star". Hemingway continually tried to enter the military, but his defective eye, hindered this task. Hemingway had managed to get a job driving an American Red Cross ambulance. During this expedition, he was injured and hospitalized. Hemingway had an affinity for a particular nurse at that hospital, her name was Agnes von Kurowsky. Hemingway continually proposed to her, and she continually denied. When Hemingway healed his injuries, he moved back to Michigan, and had wanted to write again. Hemingway married Hadley Richardson and was working in France, as a foreign corespondent, for the "Toronto Star". In 1925, he wrote a book called "In Our Time", which was marketed in New York. The next year he published a book called "The Sun Also Rises", a novel where he had his first success. The book deals with a group of desultory people in exile from France and Spain-members of the "lost generation", a phrase made famous by Hemingway himself. In post-war years, Hemingway spent most of his time writing books. But, when his first marriage failed, and produced a son, John, he had married Pauline Pfeiffer, who had his next 2 children. Based in Paris, he had travelled for skiing, bullfighting, fishing, or hunting that by then had become what most of his work was all about. Hemingway, started writing short stories, among them was "Men Without Women" in 1927, and "A Farewell to Arms" in 1929. This story ("A Farewell to Arms"), shows a lovestory within a war time setting. Many people believe that Hemingway, did his writing at this period of his life. He once confessed "If I had not been hunting and fishing, I would have probably been writing." (Hemingway 283 (3)). Hemingway's stories were based on adventure, and different aspects of it. His love of spain, and his love of bullfighting, led him to write a book called "Death in the Afternoon". During the 1930's, Spain was in a civil war, still having ties in Spain, Hemingway made 4 trips their. He raised money, for a party called the "Loyalists". He wrote a book about it called "The Fifth Column". In this book, the narrator is the protagonist. From more experience in spain, he wrote a book called "Whom the Bell Tolls" in 1940. This book was the most successful writing, based on sales of the book. All of Hemingway's life, has been fascinated by wars. For example, in "A Farewell to Arms", he focussed on how war had no meaning, and was futile. Following the war in Europe, Hemingway returned to his home in Cuba, and his fourth marriage was with Mary Welsh-a correspondent whom he had met in London and whom he would be married to for the last time. In 1953, Hemingway recieved a Pulitzer prize for his book "The Old Man and the Sea". As one critic put it "Hemingway was a cheerful, irascible, by turns generous, and selfish, expansive and egocentric. Hemingway was hedonistic and dedicated, in love with life and yet by his own admission obsessed with death." (Hemingway 221 (2)) By 1960, Hemingway was driven out of Cuba (Because of Castro), and moved to Finca, and then he moved to a house in Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway was suffering from severe depression, and anxiety attacks. He had gone to the mayo clinic in Massachusettes, to recieve electro-shock therapy, but it didn't work out for him at all. Later that same year, Hemingway ended his life, with a shot gun. Bibliography 1)Baker, Carlos H. Hemmingway:A Life Story Scribner, 1969 2)Lynn, Kenneth S. Hemmingway Simon & Schuster, 1987 3)McDowell, Nicholas. Hemingway Rourke, 1989 4)Meyers, Jeffrey Hemingway:A Biography Harper, 1985 5)Lovelock, James Hemingway Harvard University Press, 1985
Friday, October 18, 2019
Written Assignment 3 - Bank of America Corporation
Written 3 - Bank of America Corporation - Assignment Example Purchasing countrywide financial and Merrill lynch can be termed as an unwise decision taken by the company (Richard, 2013) as they did this while the economy faced a financial crisis. Therefore, the company failed to make sound decisions relating to its operations. Bank of America serves as the largest consumer bank in the United States of America. It has a large number of members, both locally and internationally. Being a global company allows it to reach a wider group of customers, thus increasing its competitiveness. More to these, the company deals with a multiple of activities. The activities include consumer and small business banking, corporate banking, credit cards, mortgage lending, and asset management. The various activities contribute to the success of the company as losses in one segment can be countered by profits in another sector. More to this, the law suit against the company exposes it to negative publicity, which may lead to greater losses of the company. The bank also faces a financial shortage, which makes the running of the organization difficult. According to the company’s balance sheet for this period, the company experienced a decrease in its cash resources by $12912 million, its fixed assets dropped by $1194 million, while the noncurrent assets increased by $42804 million. The debtors of the company increased by $3708 million. This shows that the company’s operations became worse from 2009 to 2010. More to these, the liabilities of the company grew by $44806 million, thus depicting financial difficulties for the company. In terms of shareholding, the number of preference shares reduced by more than half within this period, but the ordinary shareholding increased marginally. However, the company received a decline in the amount of total equity from 2009 to 2010. Given the need to retain, and attract more customers to the company, the bank should focus on promoting the convenience of
NASA Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
NASA Project - Essay Example Multiple measurements and models have been put in place to improve and create an understanding hence improving on precision. Sea surface temperature comprises a three grid map in the western part of Atlantic is 2500 lines and 3900 samples. Mediterranean Sea is 2048 lines and 4096 samples and Mediterranean area which are 220 lines and 1350 samples. It is considered to be the most known sources of NO2 are in the combustion engines, pulp mills and thermal power stations. Its consequences include rivers are loaded with excess of this nutrient, excess deposits will pollute large water bodies. On the human consequences, the eyes, throat, nose and repertory system irritates when one come in contact with it. If a person gets exposed more often, it will lead to a chronic bronchitis which may lead to asthma disease. Children are at the high risk of being infected with respiratory infections. The intention of Giovanni interface is to provide an introduction to learners on environmental issues globally, regionally and also touches on local climatic changes. It is normally used by teachers and learners. This has been set on the DICCE-G basic portal to create relevance in detail thus enabling the user to come up with local climate change and thus expanding the idea into a global perspective. Giovanni is an application used alongside with the web in order to investigate the earth’s scientific data. It collects and analyzes data without necessarily downloading the data. It is also an interactive online infrastructure. Giovanni is used by researchers, teachers, policy makers, modelers, proposal writers and students. In order to use a Giovanni a web browser is required. The procedures are self explanatory and thus easy to
Central Banks & other International banks Assignment
Central Banks & other International banks - Assignment Example In some cases, the central government may place restrictions con how to hold and use foreign exchange or how to dispose local currency. 2. What did the central banks do to stabilize the financial systems in 2007–2009? In order to stop the financial crisis, central banks across the world followed plans that were almost parallel inaction. The eurozone, US and Britain central banks cut interest rates almost to zero, injected capital in the markets (through massive stimulus programs) and guaranteed bank lending (Allen, 2008). These actions were taken in a bid to restore investor confidence and liquidity. In some nations, the central governments have endeavored to coordinate debt issuance with an aim of avoiding the destabilization of their financial markets. 3. In an effort to stabilize the financial system how much money, in U.S. dollar equivalent and as a percentage of the country's GDP, did the European Central Bank, Bank of England, Bank of China, and the Federal Reserve put i nto the economy in 2008 and 2009? The Central banks responses to the financial crisis were quick and dramatic. The US pumped close to one trillion USD in total in 2008 and 2009 in two massive stimulus packages. In the final quarter of 2008, the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve purchased about 2.5 trillion USD worth of government debt and private assets from banks (Spiegel, 2008). Today, the US has spent about 11 trillion USD to the financial crisis about 9.8 trillion USD going to troubled US corporate entities including JPMorgan Chase and General Motors. About 1.2 trillion USD has been set for use in the countries stimulus programs. Of the 9.8 trillion USD, about 6.4 trillion USD is set to be used in Federal Reserve Rescue Efforts. The Bank of China in 2008pledged to release 586 billion USD in the domestic market to stimulate the country’s economy (Morrison, 2009). 4. How well did each country's efforts work at stabilizing the economy? The central banks of mos t countries have worked in coordination with their counterparts elsewhere cutting short term interest rates. Even the People's Bank of China joined the major economies in cutting interest rates. The central bank interventions worked positively for all the countries in mitigating the effects of the financial crisis. In fact, the effects of the crisis have continued to dwindle over time. 5. What appears to be the major constraint that the central banks used to determine the limits of the monetary injections into the economy? The US assumed a most proactive role in tackling the financial crisis. The Federal Reserve has mainly applied interest rate changes to stop the financial crisis from having greater effects on the economy – more than any other central bank. The bank’s interest rate has been reduced from about 5.3% in September, 2007 to about 1.4% over the last couple of months (Senanayake, 2009). 6. Did the United States use the same or different criteria? Through thi s action, the bank has managed to shelve away worries related to high inflation rates. The US applied interest rate reduction, stimulus packages and a relaxed monetary policy like the other central banks albeit more proactively. By lowering interest rates, the supply of money in the market got to increase thereby reducing inflation and panic in the market. 7. To what extent to do you agree/disagree with the actions of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Leonardo Da Vinci - Research Paper Example Verrocchio was the name of his teacher who trained Da Vinci in a Florentine studio until he began his art career. Leonardo was 14 years during his apprenticeship. He spent the following years in mastering what the world would later love and remember him. It is significant to mention that the establishment of Leonardo Da Vinci personal workshop at 20 years was commendable1. During his career, Leonardo Da Vinci experienced both pleasant moments in which many people admired him. However, throughout his art existence, Da Vinci equally experienced low moments in which his works were criticized2. For instance, Leonardo Da Vinci was lucky to get numerous rich clients because of the perfection of his works. Leonardo died, 67, as a vegetarian after a life of painting using most inspirations from his life. Leonardo Da Vinci’s highlight was when Lorenzo de Medici, an Italian rich man asked him to design a silver piece of art. The silver lyre which he initiated made him get more orders fr om this rich Italian man. Leonardo’s life focused on respect for nature because of his continuous habit to free birds in to their natural homes. Finally, Leonardo Da Vinci’s life had most celebrations because up to date people still have T-shirts and other sales materials, which have his paintings. Most Famous Paintings Evidently, â€Å"Vitruvian Man, The Last Supper and Mona Lisa â€Å"are the most popular paintings of Da Vinci. In particular, The Last Supper (painted on a rectory wall) began to deteriorate following its creation because Da Vinci did not use the tempera on panel technique. 3The creation of the Last Supper was instantly when Jesus indicated that a disciple would be disloyal to Him. It is unfortunate that a majority of Leonardo Da Vinci works do not survive because of his deep sense of adventure with new technologies. However, even if the painting flaked, there was a recent remodeling of the same in order for people to enjoy viewing it. Moreover, The Mona Lisa is called half a smile because of Leonardo Da Vinci’s unique use of lightning in most of his paintings. In addition, Leonardo kept on postponing the completion of some of his pieces. Therefore, the available work could be perfect if he had more focus. It is also imperative to mention that his early work was called â€Å"The Baptism of Christ†, which he created with Verrocchio. All Leonardo Da Vinci’s renowned paintings display diverse aspects of movement unlike the remaining painters. Characteristics of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Art It is noteworthy to mention that Da Vinci’s works borrow a great deal of the human anatomy. Originally, The Mona Lisa was meant to be a private piece which took two years for the completion of its creation. This Mona Lisa painting is set on a significant light, which enables people to notice the uniqueness of the painting. The most obvious special characteristic about The Mona Lisa is Leonardo’s use of the sm oke technique. Further, this smoke technique makes it hard for anyone to notice the difference between darkness and lightness in the picture. The liquid paint, which Leonardo uses, depicts his understanding of the world to be always in movement4. Additionally, the painting of Mona Lisa is unique because of the unique half smile presented by Leonardo. The face of the woman in the painting is straight to the viewer. However, the rest of her body faces the direct opposite from
Development of American Society between the early seventeenth century Essay
Development of American Society between the early seventeenth century and the ratification of the American Constitution in 1787 - Essay Example time witnessed an original compact formed by the free and deliberate voices of the individuals disposed to unite in the same social bonds; thus exhibiting a political phenomenon unknown to former ages. James Madison (1789) During this period radical idealists in all spheres of the American society were very much determined to bringing about revolution changes; the cause they stood for infused meaning into their lives as the revolution was inclined on the notion that ‘the people’ governed, that ‘the people’ supplied government with its energy and direction, and that monarchical institutions were to be abolished since they were not owned and accountable to the people at the same time. Robert C. & Reval Siegel (2003) Madison was categorical in making the government work and he dedicated him in actualizing this dream. He instituted winning strategies that were pragmatic and passionately pursued the cause; he formed alliance with Jefferson though he was opposed to Hamilton. He also was the brainchild to the Republican Party, which earned him popularity by clinching the Presidency. All these well-documented stratagems are so difficult to reconcile this fact with the conservative anti-democrat. James Madison (1789) By 1780 through 1790 the historical world experienced a consistent array of constitutional crisis; controversies followed suit in a raw until the republican capsized beyond salvage. Financing the war detrimentally hampered, the fight over negotiating with Spain to open the Mississippi, the failure of the Articles of confederation, Shay’s Rebellion, Ratification, Hamilton’s plan for assumption and financing the debt etc resolves the stalemate election of 1800. Numerous scandals smeared the Republicans image, which led Jefferson to label them as ‘monocrats’. The idea that a citizen became a subject only during elections era was outrageous. Madison, Winthrop and Paine were frontiers of the American dream the American Revolution to eliminate
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Central Banks & other International banks Assignment
Central Banks & other International banks - Assignment Example In some cases, the central government may place restrictions con how to hold and use foreign exchange or how to dispose local currency. 2. What did the central banks do to stabilize the financial systems in 2007–2009? In order to stop the financial crisis, central banks across the world followed plans that were almost parallel inaction. The eurozone, US and Britain central banks cut interest rates almost to zero, injected capital in the markets (through massive stimulus programs) and guaranteed bank lending (Allen, 2008). These actions were taken in a bid to restore investor confidence and liquidity. In some nations, the central governments have endeavored to coordinate debt issuance with an aim of avoiding the destabilization of their financial markets. 3. In an effort to stabilize the financial system how much money, in U.S. dollar equivalent and as a percentage of the country's GDP, did the European Central Bank, Bank of England, Bank of China, and the Federal Reserve put i nto the economy in 2008 and 2009? The Central banks responses to the financial crisis were quick and dramatic. The US pumped close to one trillion USD in total in 2008 and 2009 in two massive stimulus packages. In the final quarter of 2008, the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve purchased about 2.5 trillion USD worth of government debt and private assets from banks (Spiegel, 2008). Today, the US has spent about 11 trillion USD to the financial crisis about 9.8 trillion USD going to troubled US corporate entities including JPMorgan Chase and General Motors. About 1.2 trillion USD has been set for use in the countries stimulus programs. Of the 9.8 trillion USD, about 6.4 trillion USD is set to be used in Federal Reserve Rescue Efforts. The Bank of China in 2008pledged to release 586 billion USD in the domestic market to stimulate the country’s economy (Morrison, 2009). 4. How well did each country's efforts work at stabilizing the economy? The central banks of mos t countries have worked in coordination with their counterparts elsewhere cutting short term interest rates. Even the People's Bank of China joined the major economies in cutting interest rates. The central bank interventions worked positively for all the countries in mitigating the effects of the financial crisis. In fact, the effects of the crisis have continued to dwindle over time. 5. What appears to be the major constraint that the central banks used to determine the limits of the monetary injections into the economy? The US assumed a most proactive role in tackling the financial crisis. The Federal Reserve has mainly applied interest rate changes to stop the financial crisis from having greater effects on the economy – more than any other central bank. The bank’s interest rate has been reduced from about 5.3% in September, 2007 to about 1.4% over the last couple of months (Senanayake, 2009). 6. Did the United States use the same or different criteria? Through thi s action, the bank has managed to shelve away worries related to high inflation rates. The US applied interest rate reduction, stimulus packages and a relaxed monetary policy like the other central banks albeit more proactively. By lowering interest rates, the supply of money in the market got to increase thereby reducing inflation and panic in the market. 7. To what extent to do you agree/disagree with the actions of
Development of American Society between the early seventeenth century Essay
Development of American Society between the early seventeenth century and the ratification of the American Constitution in 1787 - Essay Example time witnessed an original compact formed by the free and deliberate voices of the individuals disposed to unite in the same social bonds; thus exhibiting a political phenomenon unknown to former ages. James Madison (1789) During this period radical idealists in all spheres of the American society were very much determined to bringing about revolution changes; the cause they stood for infused meaning into their lives as the revolution was inclined on the notion that ‘the people’ governed, that ‘the people’ supplied government with its energy and direction, and that monarchical institutions were to be abolished since they were not owned and accountable to the people at the same time. Robert C. & Reval Siegel (2003) Madison was categorical in making the government work and he dedicated him in actualizing this dream. He instituted winning strategies that were pragmatic and passionately pursued the cause; he formed alliance with Jefferson though he was opposed to Hamilton. He also was the brainchild to the Republican Party, which earned him popularity by clinching the Presidency. All these well-documented stratagems are so difficult to reconcile this fact with the conservative anti-democrat. James Madison (1789) By 1780 through 1790 the historical world experienced a consistent array of constitutional crisis; controversies followed suit in a raw until the republican capsized beyond salvage. Financing the war detrimentally hampered, the fight over negotiating with Spain to open the Mississippi, the failure of the Articles of confederation, Shay’s Rebellion, Ratification, Hamilton’s plan for assumption and financing the debt etc resolves the stalemate election of 1800. Numerous scandals smeared the Republicans image, which led Jefferson to label them as ‘monocrats’. The idea that a citizen became a subject only during elections era was outrageous. Madison, Winthrop and Paine were frontiers of the American dream the American Revolution to eliminate
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Causes and efects of Obesity Essay Example for Free
Causes and efects of Obesity Essay Obesity is a factor that increases risk developing a number of serious and potentially life – threatening disease. At present, obesity rates are rising in several developed countries such as the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Hungary. Around a quarter of these countries’s population is overweight. This essay will look at some of the causes and effects of obesity. Firstly, energy imbalance most often causes obesity. Energy imbalance is the excess of energy in over energy out. Energy in and energy out are the amount of calories the body obtains and uses, respectively. If the amount of energy in is greater than the amount of energy out, your body contains unnecessary calories. Unecessary calories is transformed into fat. The more fat you get, the more weight you gain. Overtime, obesity is inevitable. The other major cause of obesity is lack of physical activities. Sufficiently practicing of physical activities is one of the best way help burn unnecessary calories. Therefore, lacking of volume of physical activities leads to extra calories retained. As a result, obesity happens. For intances, many people hace jobs that involve too much desk sittng and no physical activities. They do not use all the energy provided by foods they eat, and the extra calories are stored as fat instead, which causes obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for many dangerous disease. However, there are two most fatal effects of obesity. Firstly, obesity has been known as the main factor of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is literally the pressure on blood vessels caused by high workload of heart. The obese body contains fat tissue that needs oxygen and nutrients to live, which requires more blood. Therefore, the heart must pumps more blood through blood vessels, and vessels indure high pressure of blood. This causes high blood pressure. The other consequence of obesity is type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is medical condition which makes blood sugar level higher than normal. This is the result of insulin resitance. Obesity can cause resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. When obesity causes insulin resistance, the blood sugar becomes eveluated. Even moderate obesity dramatically increases the risk of diabetes, such as blindness. To summarise, obesity derives from two major causes which are energy imbalance and lack of physical activities. Its effects are numberous but the most critical ones are high blood pressure and diabetes. People who are struggling with obesity should start to do more physical activities and have a balance diet in their daily life, so that they can lose weight and avoid obesity.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics: Coffee Filter Machine
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics: Coffee Filter Machine Background/IntroductionIn this assignment they are tasked to explain how an electric coffee filter machine works and its scientific process. they are also tasked to calculate the amount of power it uses and energy it needs to keep that coffee warm and its efficiency when its keeping it warm, which is important because if the coffee isnt very efficient and uses a lot of energy or a lot of heat can escape then it could lead to high energy prices just to keep coffee warm. Once the efficiency has been calculated they also need to find out how it can be improved further, they are required to at least focus on one element to improve its efficiency. This coffee machine works by holding the water you put in it in a reservoir, that water then goes down a hole in the reservoir and into an orange tube. This tube is used to carry the cold/room temperature water to the aluminium tubing which conducts the heat from the heating element through the warming plate which consists of a heat conductive grease that helps heat the water up. The heating element does this when its coiled wire heats up as electricity runs through it. This heating element has two purposes, one of which is initially heating the water up and its second purpose comes in a later process. The aluminium tube is connected to the white tube which carries that hot water up to the shower head. This white tube doesnt consist of a pump to carry the water up, instead the bubbles from the boiling water rise in the tube and carry the water up to the shower head and the machines one way valve allows the water to go up the tube without coming back down and into the reservoir. Once the hot water reaches the shower head, it gets evenly sprayed on to the coffee grounds, picks up the caffeol and gets poured into the coffee pot. Once the coffee has been brewed the second purpose of the heating element is keeping the coffee warm which has many advantages one of which is to keep it warm for other people in the house after you brewed your own. [1] These coffee machines are very reliable but there is always a possibility of failure, although a few have easy fixes. One way the coffee machine can fail is when the switch or even its power cord stop working which can be repaired by a professional although can sometimes be expensive so it would be more cost effective to buy a new machine. Another way is that the one-way valve can get clogged up letting the water back down the tube or simply not letting the water through at all. An easy fix for this is by simply scooping out any debris with a small object such as a toothpick. The tubes can also get clogged up. A way to fix this would be by running a cycle with vinegar and then running 2 cycles of clean water to rid of any vinegar left in the machine. Fig 1. [2] Experiment AnalysisTo collect their results, they had to weigh a few things. They weighed the jug when it was empty, the jug when it was full and calculated how much the water weighed. They did their experiment by letting the coffee machine heat the water up until its finished, they then took the jug filled with hot water and measured the temperature change every 2 minutes. Here are their results for 12 cups: They decided to take the jug out of the coffee machine when measuring their results because then when they are to calculate the energy needed to keep the coffee warm, they minimise the chances of under calculating as the coffee machine only partially covers the jug so not as much heat would escape, taking the jug out allows us to check the maximum amount of heat that can escape over certain intervals. They see that the water started off at 83 degrees Celsius and went down to 66.8 degrees Celsius with the temperature changing roughly between 1-1.4 degrees Celsius every 2 minutes. For the experiment they used a scale for weighing the empty jug and the jug when it was filled with water. They also used an electronic thermometer to accurately measure water temperatures. A coffee machine was also used as the experiment couldnt be done without it to heat the water up. For 10, 8, 6 and 4 cups the method the exact same although less water was used, here are the results: 10 Cups Results: As you can see in the 10 cps results, there is a dramatic change in temperature in the first 2 minutes in comparison to the 12 cups results. 8 Cups Results: 6 Cups Results: 4 Cups Results: They can use the results from this experiment to calculate heat loss and the rate of heat loss. To calculate the heat loss (Q Units: -Joules) they take the mass of the water and multiply it by the specific heat capacity and then multiply it by the change in temperature (Q= m*Cp*ˆâ€ T). Then they did the rate of the heat loss ( units: ) which is mass of the water multiplied by the specific and then multiply it by the change of temperature and then divide it by the change of time ( = m*Cp*) Below are the calculations for each of the experiments: Amount of Water Heat Loss (Q) Rate of Heat Loss () 12 Cups 124563.25 J 69.20 10 Cups 136682.90 J 63.38 8 Cups 89264.75 J 49.59 6 Cups 89145.42 J 49.53 4 Cups 71119.88 J 39.51 Amount of Water Mass of Water 12 Cups 1.75 kg 10 Cups 1.46 kg 8 Cups 1.17 kg 6 Cups 0.91 kg 4 Cups 0.65 kg Costs: In the UK it currently costs 0.01174 pence per Watt per hour. To find how much it costs per second they have to divide that number by 3600. 0.01174/3600 = 3.261111111 x Js-1 To calculate how much it costs to keep the coffee hot they use their new cost per Watt per second and multiply it by the rate of heat loss () and then multiply it by 3600 to get the cost per hour to keep the coffee hot. Amount of Water Cost (Pence per Wh) 12 Cups 69.20 0.8124048 10 Cups 63.38 0.7440812 8 Cups 49.59 0.5821866 6 Cups 49.53 0.5814822 4 Cups 39.51 0.4638474 DiscussionBecause the coffee machine is an open and transient system, the coffee jug and reservoir is constantly losing heat the coffee machine needs to have good thermal insulation to prevent heat from escaping. One improvement that couldve been made to the results is use the equation for thermal resistance to calculate the rate of heat loss. By calculating the thermal resistance of the glass jug we can calculate how much heat escapes from it more accurately. The thermodynamics heat processes are conduction, convection and radiation. Mentioned in the background is how the heating element heats up the water through the warming plate, this happens by the process of conduction which is moving heat from a warm location to a cold location, the heat plate and from the heat plate to the aluminium tubing which heats the water up. In the analysis results, specifically for the 10 Cups, there was an anomaly in the first bit of data, the difference in temperature was very high in comparison to the others and this was due to human error. In the first 2 minutes the stopwatch mightve not been started at the correct time or there mightve been a problem when the temperature was being measured. One improvement that couldve been made to the coffee machine to increase its efficiency could be to redesign the coffee jug and manufacture it out of insulated metal to decrease heat loss but with a piece of glass down the middle of it so that you can still see how much coffee is left in the jug, doing this will ensure that less heat escapes the coffee jug, having a big impact on the cost to keep the coffee warm. References: [1] Brain, M., Toothman, J. (2006, November 29). How coffee makers work. Retrieved February 2, 2017, from [2] Retrieved February 2, 2017, from An early cam was built into Hellenistic water-driven automata from the 3rd century BC.[2] The camshaft was later described in Turkey (DiyarbakÄ ±r) by Al-Jazari in 1206. He employed it as part of his automata, water-raising machines, and water clocks such as the castle clock.[3] The cam and camshaft later appeared in European mechanism
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Ben Mikaelsen’s Countdown :: Mikaelsen Countdown Essays
An Essay on Ben Mikaelsen’s Countdown             Countdown is a book written by Ben Mikaelsen and was first published in 1996. It has a total of 248 pages and published by the Hyperion Books for Children company. This book is mainly about sending the first teenager in space. And it is also about finding how a young coward becomes a village warrior.            This story takes place in Big Timber, Montana and in Kenya, Africa. The setting starts off in winter and fourteen-year-old Elliott Schroeder is busy working around his family farm. On the news, NASA announces the first Junior Astronaut program and youth all around the country will get a chance to become the first teen in space.            Meanwhile, in Kenya, Africa, a young fourteen year old Masai, Vincent Ole Tome returns from tending to his family farm also. Vincent was no ordinary boy either, his father had sent him to the â€Å"wood school†which is similar to regular school in America. With the education he had received, many boys disliked him and named him a coward for not working as hard in the family farms.            Getting back to Elliott, many things occurred since the announcement of the Junior Astronaut program. Elliott is chosen to become to first teenager in space and begins his nine month training along with his alternate, Mandy Jane Harris. This was it, the only chance that Elliott Andrew Schroeder was going to become a national hero and the only thing in his way was Mandy. Because of that he developed a disliking towards her which almost costed them their privilege to go to space. Then Elliott realized that his disliking had to reasonable justification and they became the best of friends for the last four months of training. Then the day came, when Elliott was really going to become the first teen in space and his only duty was to speak to anyone on earth throughout NASA’s space mission.            While all of this was happening in America, in Kenya, Africa, Vincent is now being tested by the elders of his village along with all other young Masai boys to find who is the bravest of them to become a warrior. Leboo, a not so close friend of Vincent, tries to tear Vincent’s spirits down by naming him a coward.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Drug Legalization Essay -- Drugs Argumentative Use Essays
This paper will prove that America’s drug laws are ineffective and cause more harm than good. The notion that a state of freedom exists in America is completely voided by narcotic laws. Narcotic laws cause a black market, which raises the prices of drugs to astronomical levels. These high prices cause drug addicts to turn to crime in order to support their habit. There exists substantial evidence that marijuana is less harmful than legal product like alcohol or nicotine. The war on drugs is comparable to the Vietnam War in its harm on the current generation of minorities. The government avoids ending anti-narcotic legislation because of the vast amount of capital which is spent on the war on drugs in terms of law enforcement and prison systems. Also there are many legislators whose campaign corner stones are often getting tough on drugs, to make an about face would mean political suicide. Yes, drugs are illegal. This very fact is what discourages many Americans from using drugs. However the illegality of the substances in question do not stop all people from using. Despite the severe punishment users of illicit drugs face if caught, illicit drug use is widespread in the United States. â€Å"According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse's 1992 National Household Survey, more than one in three Americans (36.2%) have used illegal drugs at least once in their lifetime, nearly 28 million Americans (11.1%) used them in the previous year, and almost 14 million Americans (5.5%) used them during the past month†(Skolnick 3). This is clear evidence that the war is not working. Drug addicts will continue using drugs regardless of the penalties associated with procession, simply because they are addicted to these dangerous substances an... ...nment run store where drugs would be sold only to adults. Much the same as the way liquor is sold in many areas of the country today. Drugs would for the most part be out of the reach of children. Drugs would be relatively inexpensive, and within the reach of addicts, who would no longer have to turn to crime in order to obtain them (when was the last time you heard of someone getting mugged in order for the perpetrator to buy beer). People would be allowed to freely grow marijuana and or hemp. Treatment for addicts would be free and easily obtainable. Money would be spent on improving the conditions of schools, roads and other things that Americans really need. There would exist much the same laws for operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs as exist for operating under the influence of alcohol today. There would once again be a state of freedom in America.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Different Motivational Theories
This model, namely expectancy theory, suggests that individuals, acting through self-interest, adopt courses of action perceived as maximizing the probability of desirable outcomes for themselves. This desire to maximize self-interest provides aspiring leaders with unique opportunities to assume leadership roles by simultaneously meeting both follower needs and organizational requirements. We intend to explicitly link expectancy theory and leadership concepts to demonstrate that leader interactions with followers permit the establishment of highly motivational working environments. In so doing, individuals acquire the means to transcend their traditional roles of supervisor, manager, or follower, and realize their potentials as leaders. In order to remain competitive at home or within the global market, we must stop relegating in our minds the functions of leadership to the office of the president or CEO of the organization. Instead, we must come to view the leadership role as part of every employee's job, at all levels of the organization. (Isaac, Zerbe & Pitt, 2001, p. 212) Since its origins in the 1960s Equity Theory held forth the promise of helping to explain how employees respond to situations in which they perceive they are being rewarded more or less favorably in comparison to a referent doing similar work. Shortly after its inception, Weick (1966) deemed it to be one of the most useful existing organizational behavior theories. Subsequent reviews concluded that the empirical evidence supporting Equity Theory was generally strong, especially with regards to how workers respond to under-reward situations. Equity Theory proposed that subjects respond to under-reward situations in various ways in an attempt to bring their equity ratio back into balance. For example, subjects may choose a behavioral response to help reduce their feelings of inequity. They may respond in such ways as reducing their inputs (i. e. , not put forth as much effort) or increasing their outcomes (i. e. , ask for a raise). Subjects may instead use a cognitive response to reduce feelings of inequity such as selecting another person to use as their referent. Ultimately the subject may choose to exit the situation by deciding to transfer or quit the organization. Allen & White, 2002) Although previous Equity Theory research has concluded that under-rewarded subjects generally respond in a manner that is consistent with classic Equity Theory, it is not easy to predict which option they will select to bring their equity ratio into balance. This lack of specificity regarding what responses individuals experiencing inequity are likely to have is a serious shortcoming of the original Equity Theory. As such, the original Equity Theory eventually fell out of favor due in part to this inability to predict exactly how individuals would respond to an under-reward situation (e. . , lower their inputs, attempt to raise their outcomes, cognitively justifying the situation, decide to leave the organization). This lack of predictive ability of Equity Theory makes it much less useful to practitioners such as managers and human resource professionals who would greatly benefit if they could accurately predict the reactions that their employees would have to different inequitable situations. Accordingly, research on the topic of Equity Theory moved off in another direction. Inspired by legal research, the procedural justice stream of research began to focus more on the processes and procedures of how pay and recognition are determined, rather than the reactions that individuals have to them. Equity Theory research became less popular and eventually withered away. (Allen & White, 2002) While changing organizational culture is not an easy process, it can be accomplished by emphasizing a commitment to the individual employee. Despite the literature's heavy emphasis on the private sector, many of the elements of Theory Z can be found in public organizations. This article describes one city's effort to change culture by emphasizing fair treatment of organizational members, employee involvement, two-way communication, employees' personal development and recognition and camaraderie. During the past decade, organizations in the American society have faced great uncertainty. The challenge of meeting the increasing competition of the Japanese and Western Europeans in the international marketplace, massive reordering of corporations through leveraged acquisitions and consolidations, and rapidly changing technology have impacted organizational life in the private sector. Public sector organizations have faced the effects of the new federalism, the Tax Reform Act of 1986, taxpayer revolts, and numerous other events and actions which have caused disruption. These demands on American organizations, especially those coming from foreign competition, have forced leaders to question their management abilities and their organizations' commitment to excel. As part of this introspection, an examination of the underlying values, beliefs, and attitudes of organizations has been undertaken, especially in the popular, non-academic literature (Watson & Burkhalter, 1992) Job Design for service employees has been categorized as a â€Å"production line†approach or an â€Å"empowerment†approach (Bowen & Lawler, 1992). The production line approach, as its name implies, is based on a Tayloristic view. It is based on four tenets  simple tasks, clear division of labor, substitution of equipment and systems for employees, and little decision-making discretion of employees. This design seeks to gain customer satisfaction through efficiency, consistency, and low costs. It is imperative with the production line job design that IT is installed as a part of that design so as to facilitate matching it to the service encounters anticipated. The number and nature of the options from which the employee chooses should then be limited to matching the constraints on their decision-making authority. Any access to additional information would not only be of no use; it would actually deter efficiency. For example, if all hamburgers are prepared to the same degree of doneness, giving a customer encounter person the option of asking a customer how he/she would like the meat cooked would slow down the process. In fast food, cash registers (which also communicate orders to the backroom) prompt order-takers through the decisions that are allowable. Thus, the more standardized the service the more easily circumscribed technologically it can be(5) because the reality of the encounter is simple and presumed to be more easily captured than encounters in which provided services are customized and the outcome of any one such encounter is variable. The more circumscribed technologically the service is, the more efficiently the service can be performed but the more dependent upon the circumscribing technology customer encounter service personnel become. Mechling & Little, 2000, p. 65) The Two-factor Theory, or Motivation and Hygiene Theory, purports to differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of the job. The authors referred to the intrinsic factors as content or motivators, and they include: achievement, advancement, the work itself, responsibility, and recognition. The extrinsic factors were referred to as hygiene has and included: company policy and administration, technical supervision, working conditions, salary, and interpersonal supervision. (Maidani, 1991) the applicability of Herzberg's Two-factor Theory of job Satisfaction among public and private sector employees. The study, therefore was designed to investigate the job content (motivators or intrinsic) and job context (hygiene or extrinsic) factors contributing to job satisfaction among those employees. Furthermore, the study attempted to determine whether using this instrument would yield the same results as those of Herzberg et al. (1959) using the critical incidents techniques. Hypothesis 1 was supported. Significant differences were found due to the fact that the satisfied group values motivator significantly more than the dissatisfied group. A t-value of 1. 98 indicated that a significant difference existed between the two groups. Hypothesis 2 was not supported. No significant differences were found between the satisfied and dissatisfied employees relating to value placed on hygiene factors. Hypothesis 3 was not supported as no significant differences were found between private and public sector employees on the value placed on motivator factors. (Maidani, 1991) The expectancy theory – formulated by Edward C Tolman in the 1930s – (whereby behavior rests on the instinctive tendency for individuals to balance the value of expected benefits against the expenditure of energy) falls into the same ‘stimulus-response' approach to motivation. It demonstrates that an individual's strength of motivation can be affected by the expectations of outcomes from certain actions and further strengthened by the individuals preferred outcome, as demonstrated by Victor H. Vroom in the 1960s. Individuals are consciously self-interested in the outcomes of their actions. For example, a worker may put in extra time and effort to a project and expect to be paid more money. That is his desired reward and what he expects. If he does not receive, what he expects his motivational level will fall dramatically. Elton Mayo, in the Hawthorne experiments concluded that individuals adjusted their motivational levels to fit in with the group. The individual values the approval and acceptance of others and will conform to the groups motivational standards in order to ‘fit in'. One important point about expectancy theory is that individual perceptions can be very different, and the motivation and behavior of individuals will vary considerably. It pays, therefore, in external stimuli to bear in mind that: 1. he routes to desired outcomes for individuals and teams are clear; and 2. individuals perceive the rewards or punishments in different ways according to their own values. There is a great need to treat people as individuals but as the 50:50 rule also indicates, other motivational factors should always be set in the context of the individual's managed environment. Leaders have a vital role to play in creating a motivational environment in which their team members can excel by in turn using the motivation within themselves. To be able to do this, we as leaders need to begin by looking at ourselves and getting our contribution right before we can criticize others. (Thomas, 2004, p. 61) Process models are based on the important insight that responses to (persuasive) messages do not only take the form of controlled, capacity-intensive cognitive processes, or only the form of simple automatic processes involving little working memory. Message processing may be dominated by either form, or it may blend the two, depending on our ability and motivation to think about the substance of a message. Affective processes appear to (a) influence levels of motivation and ability to process in a thoughtful manner, (b) guide the retrieval of information from memory, and (c) provide cues to simple responses (Babrow, 1993, p. 111) Dialectical perspectives on communication also embody multiple- process theory. Of course, dialectical analyses of one sort or another have been discussed for centuries (see Adler, 1952). As numerous dialectical thinkers have pointed out, however, several themes are consistent in these writings; these themes exemplify some of the most desirable potentialities of multiple- process theory. The most elemental theme in dialectical thinking is that of opposition; â€Å"dialectic either begins or ends with some sort of intellectual conflict, or develops and resolves around such oppositions†( Adler, 1952 , p. 350). Dialectical opposites are â€Å"mutually conditioning†(the occurrence, existence, or meaning of one pole is conditioned by its opposite) and at the same time â€Å"mutually excluding†. For instance, sound presupposes but also excludes silence, and so too for amity and enmity, motion and stillness. (Babrow, 1993, p. 15) All of these theories thrive on the perception of the individual working to better themselves in some way. They differ in their methods, some look at how the individual will work for recognition, advancement, or just for encouragement. All of these methods are effective means of making individuals and groups work more efficiently. However, it is important to point out that each method does not work for the same situation. One must be able to differentiate between the theories in order to determine the best means.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Principles of Learning David Robertson
As the Course Lecturer for the Automotive Department at Newcastle College it is my duty, and end, to guarantee that the basic underpinning cognition ( both practical and theoretical ) of Motor Vehicle Engineering is delivered to the pupils of the section so they may fix, either for City and Guilds scrutiny, or employment in a local motor vehicle constitution. Many weighty volumes have been penned with respect to the annoyed inquiry of Learning Theories in instruction, their supposed benefits, and their effects upon larning and whether they exist as separate entities at all. However, before any decisions can be arrived at, an apprehension of the assorted theories, their chief supporters and their consequence upon larning will necessitate to be grasped. After a casual probe into the single theory I will follow up with my ideas as to the deductions in relation to my peculiar country of instruction. Prior to this analysis it is necessary to supply an overview of the acquisition manners presently used in the field of Education These manners fall into three groups: A/ Cognitive- In the Cognitive manner pupils gain theoretical cognition through the airing of information normally in a category based environment. This is extremely relevant to drive vehicle technology as the topic is inherently complex. B/ Psychomotor- In the Psychomotor manner pupils are required to show a scope of practical workshop based accomplishments. This is critical in that the topic is one that demands a grade of manual sleight. C/ Affective- In the Affective manner pupils learn how to carry on themselves perform and follow the right attitude in a workshop environment. This is merely a instance of endurance ; a workshop is a potentially unsafe topographic point to be in. All of the above manners are, to changing grades and dependent upon the lesson in inquiry, employed in the theories listed below. Learning theories, or rules of acquisition, have been developed ( sometimes over decennaries ) and honed to better the instructors apprehension of the procedure of pupil acquisition. Therefore, instructors require an apprehension of these rules, which highlight countries where pupils are most likely to associate to, and so learn from. These rules include the Fieldss of:CognitivismBehaviorismHumanitarianismGestaltSocial LearningWe as instructors, sometimes without cognizing it, be given to accommodate our manner of bringing to suit these rules subconsciously. However, with an apprehension of these rules combined with a background cognition of the pupils themselves, such rules, as listed above, could good better the manner in which a lesson is delivered, and so, accordingly, better the acquisition of the pupils.CognitivismThe group of educationists, known jointly as the Cognitivists, among whom are the noteworthy figures of Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner and Lev Vygotsky topographic point major accent on the pupils themselves and how they get, and mentally organize, the cognition they gain, in consequence how they â€Å" know †the universe around them. The over all procedure is a complex system of unseeable mental activities working together to bring forth a nett addition in understanding. Basically, it is about thought, deriving cognition, retrieving and concluding. Pioneering work in the field of cognitive development was chiefly done with kids in an effort to understand how they learn, so cognitive development can be viewed as the growing of logical thought over clip ( state as the kid matures ) and with due mention to the scholars environment from childhood to adulthood. Professor J.Bruner termed this as a signifier of â€Å" scaffolding †, whereby an grownup would bit by bit take the support built up around the kid ( or older scholar ) as they become more able to understand, or maestro, a peculiar undertaking. The Russian Marxist Philosopher Lev Vygotsky nevertheless ( working in pre WWII Russia ) , given he is in the Cognitivist cantonment, did non utilize the staging theory at all, alternatively he developed a parallel theory called The Zone of Proximal Development in which the scholar is at the Centre of a group of homocentric circles, with what is already known at the Centre and what is to be learned radiating out in rings. The overall construct is that the scholar, with aid from either older kids or grownups, moves ( via direction ) from the interior countries to the outer thereby deriving cognition and proficiency. This is reinforced by Reece & A ; Walker who province â€Å" Students do non simply receive information, but actively make a form of what it means to them †. ( Reece & A ; Walker 2003 p86 ) In the Cognitive attack to instruction, cognition is viewed as symbolic and as the overall consequence of larning while larning itself occurs through the repeat of a peculiar undertaking. The pupil is encouraged and motivated to experiment, from which they will hopefully deduce a sense of accomplishment. With mention to my learning the Cognitive attack is clearly apparent, and so it lends itself ideally to the country as job resolution and experimentation ( for illustration reiterating a undertaking until proficient ) is a major tool in the assessment procedure of my scholars. An illustration of this is when a peculiar pupil listens to my verbal bringing, so understands the construct and eventually remembers the solution to a job ; besides if they can hold on the logical thinking behind the job so they will hold fulfilled all four standards for cognitive acquisition. They can so come on and utilize this maintained cognition to work out other, more complex, Motor Vehicle Engineering inquiries. The of import thing to retrieve is that my scholars are non inactive in this state of affairs, but originative in footings of what the instruction and acquisition agencies to them, they are active participants in the acquisition procedure, utilizing their cognitive accomplishments to understand a fresh state of affairs.BehaviorismAs Curzon ( 1997 p36 ) states â€Å" Behaviourism arose as a reaction to larning being interpreted as mere mental operation †. The Behaviourist attack to acquisition is based on a chiefly nineteenth century construct that following a scientific attack to the survey of human existences, and their responses to outside stimulations, may good supply an penetration into how people learn. It was to a great extent influenced by animate being experiments ( a front-runner of many behaviorists ) which demonstrated the consequence on encephalon forms of controlled conditions and stimulation ; it was further argued that this could be carried over to worlds. The Russian Physicist Pavlov ( 1849-1936 ) is best known for his experiments with Canis familiariss. Basically, he linked a specific sound with the proviso of nutrient which caused the Canis familiaris to salivate. After some clip he discovered that the mere sound would do the Canis familiaris to salivate, so reenforcing the theory that a stimulation based response was taking topographic point in the Canis familiaris. However when this was carried over to conditional human responses the ability of worlds to utilize linguistic communication to pass on â€Å" muddied the Waterss †slightly as this accomplishment interfered with pure inherent aptitudes based responses. He concluded that worlds have fewer inherent aptitudes than animate beings ( or instead the 1s we had have been eroded by development ) hence human behavior is governed by conditional responses. He besides believed that mental phenomenon could be dealt with objectively and scientifically when it is seen as discernible and mensurable behavior. John B Watson was another chief advocate of the Behaviourist school of idea in relation to human acquisition. He thought that behavior could be modified through the actions of assorted stimulations upon the individual and that, as a effect, the person in inquiry could be â€Å" conditioned †through these stimulations to bring on a alteration in behavior so prima to larning taking topographic point. In my instruction I use the procedure of giving feedback as a signifier of encouragement, and sometimes dispute, whether it is in the signifier of verbal congratulations, following a direct inquiry aimed at a peculiar pupil or in a written mode after measuring an assignment. I have found that positive feedback from me will take to better future work, and an increased degree of assurance, from the pupil. So in this manner a stimulations based response system is productive in my field. Positive feedback is an about guaranteed manner of bring oning larning in a pupil but this has to be tempered by the times when I have to be critical of the work of a pupil, it is a equilibrating act, on my portion, to happen the right degree of stimulations ( feedback ) to promote a pupil without detering them by being excessively critical. Sometimes a critical feedback study from me is designed, and worded, to advance a response in the peculiar pupil as if I am throwing down a challenge to them to better.HumanitarianismThe Humanist acquisition rule, or Humanism, grew out of a sense of dissatisfaction with other larning theories, particularly Behaviourism. The humanistic Psychologist Abraham Maslow ( 1890-1970 ) believed a scholar ‘s physiological demands, safety demands and the sense of belonging to a group had to be fulfilled before the motive to larn was realised, and his now celebrated ‘Hierarchy of Needs ‘ pyramid high spots this in item, runing, as it does, from the basic demands of nutrient and shelter at the base up to self-actualisation at the vertex. Maslow confirmed this, as quoted by Curzon ( 1997 p121 ) who states that â€Å" instruction has the undertaking of assisting each individual to go the best that he is able to go †. Among his beliefs were that scientific psychological science was inherently unfertile and dehumanising, he argued that people should be viewed as whole human existences and that the function of the instructor was to assist, rede and steer the pupil towards understanding. The basic needs nevertheless ( at the base of the pyramid ) are chiefly issues beyond the instructors ‘ control. However, Kyriacou ( 1998 p72 ) states â€Å" the increasing consciousness of the importance of furthering students ‘ ego regard has been a major development over the old ages †. This holistic attack to instruction pioneered by Maslow was shared by Carl Rogers who proposed that larning should be student find led. Building upon the consensus that pupils retain about 5 % of instruction delivered strictly by talk and that they retain a great trade more if the pupil finds out, or discovers, the information for themselves. Rogers called for the â€Å" humanization of the schoolroom †in order to make the ideal environment for acquisition. In relation to my learning the humanistic attack to acquisition has the undermentioned deductions: The demand to put the room environment in a mode contributing to larning ( so at least trying to carry through Maslow ‘s most basic demands ) for illustration warming, illuming and chair agreement to name but three is non ever possible for logistical grounds. I need to move as a facilitator, or conduit, through which pupil acquisition can happen. In other words become a resource for the pupils to use and work. There is a demand to integrate my ain experiences of the topic into the lesson bringing, but some of my â€Å" narratives †loose something in the relation. All the clip non burying that I am the instructor and the pupils are at College to larn through my direction so at that place will necessarily be a certain grade of farness on my portion even if merely for the fact that I can ne'er be a portion of the group wholly, there is, and has to be, a limit line between instructor and pupil. For this ground entirely ( if no other ) the Humanism theory of instruction is one that I do non favor in its classical complete sense. However parts of it I can, and do, utilize for illustration I find it benefits most groups if I adopt the â€Å" older brother †ethos on occasion instead than ever portraying the distant instructor.GestaltGestalt ( from the German for structured form ) is the school of educational thought concerned with following an overall position to acquisition, in other words the whole is greater than the amount of the single parts. Gestaltists believe that understanding demands consciousness, on the portion of the pupil, of th e relationship between assorted facts and how they interrelate to bring forth an overall image. Previous experiences in the life of the scholar will assist to lend to the procedure of apprehension, but the existent procedure of thought is more of import than mere callback. Understanding, harmonizing to Gestaltists, is based upon a procedure known as Insight. Insight is non a lucky conjecture, arrived at by mere opportunity, but is when a pupil all of a sudden becomes cognizant of the solution to a job ; the â€Å" light bulb above the caput †or the â€Å" penny dropping †seems to sum up the state of affairs absolutely. Something that, on the surface, is an bete noire to repetitive or rote acquisition. It is fundamentally the gaining, or acquisition, and keeping of penetration, by the pupil, that is at the bosom of the theory of Gestalt. Besides the choice and retrieval of information is indispensable if other, new constructions of perceptual experience are to be created. The thought is that the instructor must construction larning during the lesson so that scholars reach an overview, detect inter-relationships, and can therefore pattern independent productive thought. In the world of my mundane learning the whole construct of leting the pupil to come across the correct reply by penetration is to state the least impractical. Faced with a group of Motor Vehicle pupils fighting to hold on the complexnesss of the internals of a auto engine and stating to them that the reply will come if merely they had insight is unusually brave of any teacher Lashkar-e-Taiba alone me. This may good work on a one to one footing when I, the instructor, have the clip to give but with a big category, of changing ability, it is a non-starter in footings of a instruction scheme.Social LearningBesides known as the Social Cognitive Theory, this peculiar field of involvement narrows in on how people learn in a societal context or, in other words, the procedure whereby people gain cognition through societal interaction either by talking to, detecting, or following the illustration of another individual, or group of people, in a societal ( or vocational ) scene. An illustration of Social Learning ( that most people will hold undergone ) is when a new employee is inducted into the ethos of their new employer. The innovators of Social Learning Theory ( among whom are the honored figures of A. Bandura, J. Lave and E. Wenger ) propose that the group state of affairs is ideal for breeding larning via the persons in that group working together to accomplish a common end. Inevitably, in any group, there will be a broad assortment of anterior acquisition or experience but it is this really diverseness that is the strength of this peculiar theory. Because a diverse scope of people are â€Å" thrown †together in a group state of affairs this requires them to speak, interact, communicate & A ; acquire involved in the job in inquiry hopefully taking to a solution to the job and bring oning a alteration in behavior ( larning ) in the persons. Because the group have a inquiry to reply this is the foundation upon which duologue is built and, as Lindeman ( 1926 p86 ) says: â€Å" Active engagement in interesting personal businesss furnishes proper stimulations for rational growing †. In my instruction I use the Social Learning attack rather frequently. I find that a group work state of affairs will normally be more productive in footings of retained larning than a talk based bringing manner. I see myself as more of a ‘facilitator ‘ than a ‘teacher ‘ in these Sessionss, by steering the pupils towards accomplishing larning by their ain, co-operative, attempts. I simply lay the foundations for the session by presenting certain inquiries and so ‘taking a spot of a back place ‘ as it were, all the clip monitoring advancement. At the terminal of the allowed clip for the exercising I will draw together the ideas from the disparate groups hopefully reenforcing the acquisition that has taken topographic point and rounding up any accomplishment in the session. Of the instruction theories illustrated above I have found that I personally favour the Cognitivist attack ; it has good deductions for my instruction, it lends itself ideally to the instruction of Engineering although the other theories are, to changing grades, helpful ( except Gestalt ) depending upon the peculiar acquisition activity in inquiry. Understanding the assorted larning theories can be utile, if non indispensable, in integrating different learning methods into the lessons. I recognise that over clip I teach, and deliver in, all of the larning countries nevertheless, concentrating on the most appropriate country ( and pupil larning manner ) should assist to better the success of my instruction.
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