Monday, November 11, 2019
Spiritual formation can begin to develop in young children and may still be forming, or sibyl decreasing, throughout old age. Many occurrences in life can lead to the enhancement of spiritual formation, while there are also times that negative life experiences can decrease one's assurance in the Lord. Many things, even not knowing what to do to get that spark back with the Lord, can cause hitting a bump in the road of one's spiritual journey. However, in the Bible the Lord shows many ways to stay on track and keep growing in Him.The development of Spiritual formation and growth throughout the lifespan is rewarding, peaceful and most of all, what the Lord wants everyone to experience. Spiritual formation occurs throughout the lifespan, starting at a very young age and can continue through old age. How far one is willing to go to be formed spiritually is up to them. There are many obstacles in life that may prevent one from growing spiritually; however, there are also many occurrences in life that further spiritual formation.One of the most important things that someone can experience in life is spiritual formation, and there are many ways that it may happen. Spiritual formation is â€Å"the process of spiritual shaping and growth†(MacArthur, 2012). Children can tart being formed spiritually at an early age. Attending Sunday school, having a parent read Bible stories or sing Bible songs with them, and hearing about the mighty works of God can all assist in a child's spiritual growth. Assistance is necessary for a child to begin their spiritual journey. From an early age, children have significant learning and interpretative capacities†(Scott, 2004) which makes them extremely open to taking in what they see and hear. (In her journal article, Faith Formation Across the Generations, Marietta Martinets explains, ‘†We are not formed or fashioned into a people n isolation†(Martinets, 2007). We need assistance in taking the spiritual jo urney. A child cannot begin to know God if the Word is never introduced to them. Children grow in their understanding of discipleship as they listen to their parents or other adults talk about the challenges of being a person of justice†(Martinets, 2007). When a child is involved in church at an early age, memoirs are put into place through relationships and also through teaching (Merchantable, Kaiser, & Larson, 2014). These memories â€Å"will shape faith formation and draw the child closer to Jesus Christ (Merchantable, Kaiser, & Larson, 2014). Spiritual formation starts here. James Fowler introduced the theory on the 6 stages of faith.In his theory he explains the journey, through the lifespan, of spiritual formation. It is a very important theory to understand when it comes to spiritual formation across the lifespan. He introduces stage one as an imaginative stage, usually from ages 2-7, where beliefs are formed and the child is very easily persuaded. Negative teachings during this stage could be very damaging to a child's mind and could harm their spiritual journey. The second stage in Fowlers theory is hen a child starts to understand more clearly the real meaning behind the teachings.The fairy-tale like beliefs start to become more realistic and they are exchanged for more life like situations. The meaning behind right and wrong starts to be understood and a consequence and reward system is learned. Growth from this Stage may happen when obstacles are thrown in the ways that require thought and reflection on the actual meaning of Faith. Stage 3 is mentioned to happen around puberty, but actually, many adults find themselves in this stage also. Beliefs are formed from influential figures eke preachers, communities and the Government.This stage is called the synthetic, conventional stage, due to the fact that one's beliefs may not be truly thought about and they may be just going with the crowd. When one starts to realize a conflict between their personal beliefs and that of the power source, they may progress to stage 4. This stage is a more realistic stage, where a person may begin to reflect on their past behavior and really understand the true meaning of the Word. It is said that this is one of the hardest stages to adjust to. This stage requires crawling out of one's shell ND making a step towards God.The authority figures don't have as much say so for one in this stage, as they begin to form their own beliefs. Stage 5 is a step above figuring it out for yourself, and moves on to openly communicating with others of the same Faith in hopes of figuring out answers and receiving better understanding of the Word. Someone in this stage is a very important figure in humanity, as they have a lot of wisdom to spread. In stage 6, which is considered universalistic faith, one may sacrifice their entire self to serving God. Fowler explains that not many reach this tag. Johnston, 2009) As a child grows up into a young adult, it is possible that their spiritual formation is deepening and they are becoming closer to God. Fowler explains, â€Å"As people age, not only do they show more religious commitment, but scholars have also shown that the nature of their faith changes†(as cited in Eagle, 2008). The enhancement of one's spirituality can be obtained by doing many things. Adults seem to look to faith in helping to deal with a major sickness, to control emotional issues, to find security, and to ease worries regarding demise (Eagle, 2008).It is during these times that one may become closer to God and enhance their spiritual formation. Communities, churches, and influential figures may be contacted and relied on during rough times, making it important that one go to the right person for advice or direction during a serious time, so that they may be lead in the most Godly manner. Faith can be enhanced, but it also can be weakened. â€Å"Each new life experience, personal or otherwise, may potentially sh ake and challenge even the strongest religious foundations†(Eagle, 2008).There has been research guarding religious doubt and how it actually may help build one's faith. Studies have pointed out that when someone hits a bump in the road of life, it could end up making their faith stronger. There will be a time of doubt, of course, when disappointment, hopelessness, and depression may occur and during that time one's faith may weaken. It may be at these times when one's spiritual formation comes to a halt. However, â€Å"Religious doubts and questionings are resolved by conformity to prescriptions and/or the expectations of significant others†(Killing, Sorrel', Montgomery, & Colonel, 2006).In different terms, seeking out advice for resolution is helpful from ones that have seen the work of God in their lives and are knowledgeable of the faith, confirming one's own beliefs through another person's life trails and experiences. â€Å"Interestingly (and unfortunately), so me Christians choose to return to an earlier level of spiritual formation†(Cent, n. D. ). This may happen when a negative life event occurs; however, one's faith can always be lifted back up. â€Å"V'/tit proper love and care from those Christians who share life with them, most will become progressing Christians again†(lent, n. . ). The Bible tells about many ways to stay on track with growing spiritually. For instance, in Galatians God speaks about what the â€Å"Fruit of the spirit†(Gal. 5:22-23 ESP.) really is. This gives someone an idea of what they can expect when they trust in the Lord and how wonderful His love really is if it is sought out. The Bible also says â€Å"l can do all things through Him who strengthens me†(Phil. 4:13). This gives people hope that they can conquer all while on their journey through spiritual formation. That verse is a great foundation for anyone. Peter speaks about the effort one should make to effectively and rituall y live out God's word (2 Pet. 1:5-8). In that passage, one can see what the necessary talents are to live a Godly life. In Ephesians, God says, â€Å"we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ†(Epees. 4:15-16). There are many, many more scriptures that can help one with their spiritual journey. During times of doubt, scripture can lead a person in the right direction and help enhance their spiritual formation and also help them to understand what the Lord may want them to do in that time of doubt.Spiritual formation is something God wants everyone to achieve. A life is not worth living without God in it. Everyone's journey in growing spiritually will be different, some starting at a very early age in Sunday school, some starting later in their adult life. Everyone will have their ups and downs with their spiritual growth, some regressing when things get tough and others becoming stronger during the storm. God has given the people proper resources to be successful in life and to have faith in Him fully. Seeking out the Lord and progressing in one's spiritual formation is what living is all about.
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