Monday, August 24, 2020
Using the Spanish Verb Tratar
Utilizing the Spanish Verb 'Tratar' It may not appear to be consistent that a similar Spanish action word may intend to attempt and to treat, yet such is the situation with tratar. Tratar is a genuinely basic action word that likewise has different implications that dont appear to be especially related. All in all, however, the word has to do with managing an individual, action, or thing. Frequently, the importance of tratar relies upon the relational word that follows, albeit even that isnt consistently a definite guide. Maybe more so than with most action words, you have to depend on the setting of the sentence to decide the importance. Regular Meanings of Tratar without anyone else One of the most common employments of tratar is to allude to rewarding a person or thing in a predetermined manner: Nos trataban como an animales y en ocasiones peor. (They rewarded us like creatures and here and there worse.)Siempre he estado en paz debido a la forma en que mi madre me tratã ³. (I have consistently found a sense of contentment due to the manner in which my mom rewarded me.) ¡No me trates como an un niã ±o! (Dont treat me as a youngster!) All the more explicitly, tratar is frequently used to allude to clinical treatment. La enfermedad de Lyme se trata con antibiã ³ticos. (Lymes sickness is treated with antibiotics.)Los mã ©dicos van a tratar de detener la hemorragia con medicamentos. (The specialists are going utilize a treatment of halting the discharge with medications.)Trataron el dolor con morfina por casi una semana. (They rewarded the torment with morphine for right around a week.)El hospicio trata al paciente como an una persona en su totalidad. (A hospice regards the patient as an individual in their totality.) Utilizing Tratar With De When tratar is trailed by the relational word de and an infinitive, it intended to attempt or endeavor: Aquã no tratamos de ganar mentes y corazones, porque es irrelevante. (Here we are doing whatever it takes not to win hearts and brains, since it is irrelevant.)Trate de nadar por lo menos una hora y quince minutos. (Attempt to swim at any rate an hour and 15 minutes.)Los participantes del estudio que fotografiaron sus alimentos perdieron ms peso que aquellos que simplemente trataron de comer ms sanamente. (The examination members who shot their food lost more weight than the individuals who basically attempted to eat more healthily.)Tratarà © de esturiar tasks los dã as que pueda excepto los lunes. (I will attempt to concentrate each day I can with the exception of Mondays.)Trata de ponerte en mis zapatos. (Attempt to imagine my perspective.) At the point when the reflexive structure tratarse is trailed by de, it shows the subject of something or what its about. Fahrenheit 451 trata de una sociedad totalitaria donde los libros estn prohibidos. (Fahrenheit 451 is about an extremist society where books are banned.)Se trata del coche de mi padre, doy una opiniã ³n de primera mano. (Regarding the matter of my dads vehicle, I am giving a firsthand opinion.) ¿De quã © trata? Whats it about?La vida se trata de contentamiento y gratitud. (Life is about happiness and appreciation.) Utilizing Tratar With Con When either tratar or tratarse is trailed by con, the relational word typically significance with, it can allude to a connection between at least two gatherings. Note that in certain unique circumstances, tratar con can rather me to treat with. Este cambio afectar la manera en que usted trata con su compa㠱ã a de telã ©fonos. (This change will influence the manner in which you work with your telephone company.)Con respecto al love, no me trato con gente city hall leader que yo. (With regards to sentiment, I dont have associations with individuals more established than I am.)Sin ban, muchas veces se tratã ³ con à ©l. (By the by, I frequently had dealings with him.)Los compaã ±eros tratan con mucho respeto. (The partners treat each other with extraordinary regard.) Key Takeaways Tratar frequently intends to treat, as in rewarding a person or thing a specific way, or in giving clinical treatment.Tratar de when followed an infinitive as a rule intends to attempt or attempt.Tratarse de is utilized to demonstrate what something is about.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Online Instruction In A Continuing Professional Education Setting Education Essay
IntroductionThe article I decided to gracefully a diagram for is entitled, â€Å" The New, Modern Practice of Adult Education: On-line Instruction in a Continuing Professional Education Setting †by Brian W. Donavant of the University of Tennessee at Martin. The goal of his review was to dissect the effectivity of on-line guidance contrasted with customary bringing assaults. His overview included quantitative research techniques through the use of pre and posttests in both the on the web and educator drove classs each piece great as a detached finished survey to help find if the strength for achievement of on-line heading is identified with segment factors of the understudies. This multi-staged overview was led in a non-scholarly scene using cops go oning their guidance. The around 200 members were from the Florida Regional Community Policing Institute and shifted in age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, instructive foundation, and mature ages on the occupation.Research Question The general request of this overview was to discover if there were measurably significant contrasts in effective procurement by the members who learned through online securing in contrasting with educator lead planning. Moreover, the review set out advance the strength of web based larning accomplishment by constabulary officials and if this conceivable web based larning achievement was identified with grouped different factors, for example, race, sex, age, and instructive experience. The study other than estimated the officials ‘ perspectives and perceptual encounters sing the utilization of web based larning for proficient turn of events. ( Donavant, 2009 ) While the essayist assents to the feeling that the juxtaposition of online obtaining to educator lead securing in definitive academe has been done army times, there is little to no significant research done estimating this in the circle of expert turn of events and go oning guidance. The inadequacy of significant research from this position is the thing that spurred the exploration specialist to indict this way.MethodsThe first phase of this three phase study was an investigation of pre and post-test proficient advancement tonss used to decide whether larning truly happened and if there was a distinction in effectivity between on-line bringings versus educator lead heading. The pre and post-tests utilized anon. numerous decision and genuine bogus requests. The examination laborer had no power over the course of action of the members into control or exploratory gatherings of individuals. Furthermore, the examination laborer did non hold power over the figure of members in each gatheri ng or the duration and nature of the bearing. ( Donavant, 2009 ) The second phase of the study analyzed the intensity for online procurement achievement associated to sexual orientation, race, age of the researcher, figure of mature ages of constabulary administration, figure of mature ages of formal guidance, and old presentation to online obtaining. This rating utilized Kerr ‘s Test of Online Learning Success ( TOOLS ) ( Marcel S. Kerr, 2012 ) which is a 45 point self-report evaluation that endeavors to decide social qualities and failings to mensurate conceivable internet larning achievement. Members evaluated every one of these 45 focuses on a 5 point Likert-kind of graduated table runing from 1 ( emphatically differ ) to 5 ( unequivocally concur ) . ( Donavant, 2009 ) At long last, the third phase of this overview included an open-finished poll to go to contemplations of on-line bringing techniques that were recognized through examination of the present writing that the author regarded as significant beginnings. The examination laborer ‘s reason for existing was to discover other loaning factors that were imperative to the larning experience, for example, readiness to partake in on-line procurement, researcher ‘s perceptual encounters of the client of online securing in the circle of expert turn of events, and the common sense of its use as a bringing system. For the second and third phases of this study, one constabulary department inside every one of the six geographic pieces of the United States was unpredictably chosen and every agency had anon. voluntaries to participate it the overview. The second stage had an aggregate of 188 officials take an interest while the third stage had a whole of 150 constabularies officials take an interest. Of the 188 officials that took an interest in the second stage the mass were white guys ( 87.8 % and 85.6 % severally ) with a normal period of 36.9 and a normal figure of mature ages on the power of 10.75. 75.3 % of the members had non taken an interest in any on-line guidance preceding this study and the mass recorded their level of guidance accomplishment as â€Å" some school †52 % . ( Donavant, 2009 ) The stage one study that utilized the recorded pre and post-test results utilized a t-test to discover the importance of the pre and post-test outcomes contrasting on-line guidance with mentor drove encounters. The stage two review other than led a t-test to discover if there was a level of centrality between the individuals who finished on-line guidance and those that did non complete on-line guidance. Bipartisan outcome investigation was directed to help find if there was a relationship with conceivable achievement in on-line guidance and free factors, for example, race, sex, and earlier presentation to online guidance. The examination specialist so utilized Pearson Correlations to discover significant connections between web based larning achievement and free factors, for example, age, figure of mature ages of administration and level of instructive fulfillment. ( Donavant, 2009 )ConsequencesThe stage one post-test tonss ( Teacher Lead: M=82.91, SD = 18.43 ; Online: M=73.38, SD=21 .72 ) were fundamentally higher than pre-test tonss for both educator drove and on-line lead guidance ( Teacher Lead: M=43.27, SD=17.96 ; Online: M=47.44, SD=16.74 ) . The ANCOVA investigation uncovered no measurably significant distinction in the effectivity between both mentor lead and on-line bringing ( 1, 40 ) = 2.99, P = .09. ( Donavant, 2009 ) The stage two review rendered comparable results of lack of criticalness between web based larning achievement and sex, race, and old commitment in on-line guidance ( I†¡2 ( 1, N =178 ) = 0.12, P = .72 ; race, I†¡2 ( 5, N = 184 ) = 7.97, P = .16 ; or old commitment in OE, I†¡2 ( 1, N = 188 ) = 3.07, P = .08. ) Where the exploration specialist happened some level of essentialness was the correlativity between conceivable web based larning achievement and the officials ‘ instructive degree they accomplished, R ( 185 ) = .23, P = .001. The outcomes of the third phase of the exploration showed that a main part of the understudies loved the comfort of the on-line guidance ( 92, 68.7 % ) however mass other than demonstrated that what they enjoyed least about the on-line instructive experience ( 63, 52.9 % ) was the lack of communication with the instructor as their essential ground for non wishing the on-line instructive experience. ( Donavant, 2009 )DecisionThe examine specialist construed that while the effectivity of on-line guidance versus instructor lead planning are both esteemed fundamentally adequate, the strength of on-line guidance being solid is essentially related to the student ‘s foremost involvement in on-line guidance each piece great as their level of guidance. The exploration laborer other than proceeded to summarize that overall talking, there is no significant advantage of online securing in contrasting with educator lead arrangement when taking a gander at it from the situation of race, sexu al orientation, mature ages on the power or age. In this way, for an association sing educator lead planning in contrasting with online guidance, they should see the individual researcher and mull over their level of guidance alongside old involvement in on-line guidance. On the off chance that an association has a figure of understudies who do non hold a group of post-optional guidance, they may happen better results with educator lead readiness.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Thought Labeling as a Mindfulness Meditation Technique
Thought Labeling as a Mindfulness Meditation Technique Meditation Print Thought Labeling as a Mindfulness Meditation Technique By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on September 25, 2019 abu/ Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Meditation Happiness Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All Mindfulness meditation is a highly effective stress relief technique that carries many benefits. Mindfulness can be practiced virtually anywhere at any time, as it does not require silence or a special meditation area or physical position. It simply requires a presence of mind. Mindfulness can be useful in detaching from the constant stream of thoughts, judgments, concerns, ruminations, and “clutter†of the mind, and getting to a place of inner peace. Full inner peace may not come immediately, and mindfulness does take practice. However, there is evidence that even one session of meditation can be effective at reducing stress, and even just a few minutes of meditation can make a difference, so practicing mindfulness or any other meditation technique can be helpful for any length of time. Even experienced meditation practitioners find it to be more challenging some days than others, but benefits come regardless, so learning this technique is well worth the small effort it takes to practice. As you become used to mindfulness and meditation, the process becomes easier and more automatic. It becomes easier to slip into meditation mode. In the beginning, however, you may want to experiment with different mindfulness techniques and different types of meditation. The following technique enables you to observe your thoughts and let go of them, which can allow you to create some space between yourself and the thoughts that trigger the stress response. This technique allows you to examine your habitual thought patterns, take a step back, and get some perspective. It also simply breaks the cycle of rumination. And it’s simpler than some forms of meditation, so it’s great for beginners. Let’s get started. Get Comfortable Ideally, it would be great to have a quiet, distraction-free place, a comfortable chair, and a few minutes set aside to focus on this exercise. With practice, or in a pinch, you can practice this anytime you have some free time alone with your thoughts, like when you are at work, doing mundane tasks, or getting ready for sleep. Whatever your situation, make yourself as comfortable as you can. Clear Your Mind Notice your thoughts. Within minutes, or even seconds, you will notice thoughts drifting into your mind. I’m cold. I need to make dinner tonight. I wonder what he meant when Joe said that thing earlier. The thoughts will creep in. The idea is to simply observe them and refrain from engaging. Simply notice them, and let them go. Label Your Thoughts While simply observing your thoughts and letting them go is an effective meditation technique, and can be practiced for long periods of time, it can be helpful to take things a step further and “label†your thoughts before you let them go. (You can do this by saying the word to yourself, visualizing it written, or whatever feels comfortable to you.) Labeling your thoughts does two things: it raises your awareness of the kinds of things you think about, which is especially helpful if you are trying to change your habitual thought patterns to become more empowering and optimistic. It also allows your mind to engage somewhat, which can be helpful for beginners who are not used to simply observing their thoughts for long periods of time. It gives your mind something to do while still maintaining detachment. There are several different ways that you can label your thoughts: Useful / Not Useful: You can simply label whether a thought is constructive or not. This is a very simple distinction that can cover virtually all thoughts. Just label them “useful†or “not useful,†and let them go.Types of Thoughts: You can label your thoughts with greater depth by classifying them according to their function. Thoughts that can be labeled as “judgment,†“planning,†“fear,†and “remembering,†for example, may drift into your awareness. Label them, and let them go.Physical Sensations: Another type of awareness that may drift in is body awarenessâ€"you may notice and focus on what you see or feel. Simply label things what they are as sensations: “hard,†“warm,†“itchy.†Acknowledge them and let them go. There are other ways in which you can label your thoughts, but this provides you with a starting place. As you practice, you may find methods that work better, one of the above techniques may become a favorite, or you can rotate. Whatever works for you is the “right†way. Just remember that regular meditation builds resilience toward stress, so its worth trying, and sticking with until you find a style that works for you. Get started, and see what benefits this practice brings.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Hysteria In The Crucible - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1716 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Crucible Essay Did you like this example? Whenever hysteria occurs, it appears to tolerate the misinterpretation of reality, unspeakable actions and baseless allegations causing societies to break. In the novel The Crucible, Arthur Miller the author of the book, depicts this throughout the story. The Crucible takes place in the Puritan town of Salem, Massachusetts, in the year 1692. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Hysteria In The Crucible" essay for you Create order There are several key settings throughout the story. The entire book is about how an insignificant group of girls create mass hysteria in a small town, and how it impacts hundreds of people. The story begins when a group of girls dance in the woods with a black slave named Tituba. While they dance, they are discovered by Reverend Parris, the local minister of Salem. Betty, Parris daughter, fall unconscious on the ground when she sees him. Soon people gather up in Parris home while rumors about witchcraft go around the town. Everything and everyone in Salem simply belongs to God or to the devil; argument is not merely illegal, it is linked with satanic activity. This contrast functions as the underlying logic of why the witch trials take place. Hysteria plays an important role in the town of Salem through power of manipulation and fear which is evident in the decisions of those who accuse, those who are accused and those who judge them. Back in history, women usually stayed at home, cleaned the house and cooked and sewed. They didnt go out to work as often and many girls didnt even get to go to school. Men were considered to be much more important than women, white people were considered of high status than any other race and the wealthy had more position and power than the poor. The Crucible portrays these divisions, and privileges that certain characters have over the other and how they accuse and manipulate people to their own advantage. Firstly, when Parris say, Such a Christian that will not come to church but once in a month!(Miller 84) or Hers come to overthrow this court, Your Honour(Miller 85). He is unhesitant to blame people that didnt like him, and tries to win favour in the town by being a kiss-up to the judges. Also, in his desperate attempt to protect his reputation, he conveniently hid the fact that Abigail Williams had been caught casting spells in the forest. As Miller says,the paranoid, real or pretended, always secretes its pearl around a grain of fact. Blinded by keeping their public reputation, the people of Salem fear that the sins of their friends, family and their close ones will taint their names. Furthermore, Mrs. Putnams believes, If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his propertykilling neighbors for their land(Miller 89). She was too obsessed on blaming other people for the death of her children. She had already turned to witchcraft to find out who murdered her children and without a th ought she jumped on the accusation bandwagon. As Miller says, Not everybody was accused, after all, so there must be some reason why you were. Thomas caused his daughter to cry out against people whose land he wanted to acquire when they were imprisoned. This shows that hysteria only thrives because people benefit from it. Likewise, there is Abigail Williams who accuses Mary Warren,But God made my face; you cannot want to tear my face. Envy is a deadly sin, Mary(Miller 106). When people are inclined to die for a justification, unfortunately theyre often willing to kill for that same justification. In The Crucible, the belief that witchcraft was a manifestation of Satans presence in their town caused them, in their religious vehemence, to eradicate or kill any indications of witchcraft that was thought to be against god. As Weales says, A mood of mass hysteria in which guilt and confession become public virtues. Abby realizes the power of hysteria and uses the situation to accuse Mary Warren of witchcraft and have her sent to jail. This was significant because if someone was accused and denied the accusations, they were immediately hung, but if one confessed, all they did was muddy their names and not stay true to their faith. Consequently, the people of Salem accept and become active in the hysterical climate not only out of sincere religious holiness or devotion but also because it gives them an opportunity to express repressed sentiments and resentments. Hysteria also plays out in destroying several innocent peoplers lives, mainly because the people of Salem committed ridiculously irrational acts guided by their suppressed emotions, for instance rage and greed or out of utter oafishness. This shows how easy it is for people to accuse one another without any hard evidence due to the fickle nature of the court in town. This is best illustrated through Giles Corey when he said, It discomfits me! Last night mark this I tried and tried and could not say my prayers. And then she close her book and walks out of the house, and suddenly mark this I could pray again!(Miller 38). Later in the story his wife is being accused of cursing the pigs and reading fortunes and when asked the name of the accuser, they say it was Giles who accused her own wife. When she is arrested, he regrets talking about the books and tells the court that he only said she read them, not that she was into witchcraft. But it was already too late. In the same way, Elizabeth, John Proctorrs wife was accused by Abigail Williams who wanted to get rid of his wife so they can be together. But John realizes his sins and confesses to the court of Adultery and the only reason why Abigail is accusing his wife is that she wants to replace her, as John announces, But it is a whorers vengeance(102). As Ditsky observes, The case of Abigail involves moral choice in spite of enlightenment of sorts of the side of wrong by this partner in John Proctorrs love affair. When Elizabeth finds out that Abigail is the one who accused her, she immediately tells John that Abigail is taking a big chance in accusing her, since Elizabeth is a farmerrs wife with some status. But little did she know that Abigail is gambling it all to go after John. Consequently, John tries to convince Mary Warren to testify against her, but Abigail, through her manipulative ability shifts the accusation back onto Mary. In a foolish attempt to save herself, Mary charges John that he forced her to do by saying,He come at me by night and every day to sign, to sign, to-(Miller 121). In brief, the unrelenting desire to want more and own more generated an environment that vitalized falsehood, deception and manipulation among neighbours. This draws the extreme lengths the characters are willing to go to and the innocent lives they are ready to destroy just to have the thing they desire leads to the witch trials. Many characters struggle with judgement before and after the events in the story, trying to figure out if the outcomes of their actions are just or not. Making a judgement on somebody may seem harmless and inconspicuous, but it can be catastrophic. The Crucible outlines this through peoplers poor judgement that led to mass hysteria and calamity in the town of Salem. Take for example Danforth who said, Do you know Mr. Proctor, that the entire contention of the state in these trials is that the voice of Haven is speaking through the children?(82). Danforth has already decided that the girls are innocent and are speaking truthfully, that God is speaking through them, and so anyone they accuse must automatically be guilty. This is clearly the kind of bias that prevents people from getting fair trials and assigns an absurd amount of power to the undeserving. As Miller says, the plot justified the crushing of all nuance, all the shading that a realistic judgement of reality requires. Danforthrs Judgement, which he is always very single-minded and strict about, is obviously wrong: Elizabeth, Martha Corey, Rebecca Nurse are not witches at all. Danforth cant change his mind, even after all the evidence, reasoning and rationale points him towards being wrong. Danforth mindlessly believes that a reliable judge must never reconsider his stance. In contrast, there is Hale who confronts, Excellency, I have signed seventy-two death warrants; I am a minister of the Lord, and I dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of conscience may doubt it(Miller 92). As the story goes on, his motive starts to change. When faced with the truth, he is unsure about accepting his mistake, probably because he never imagined the idea of the accusers being wrong. If this was the case, then all the death warrants he has signed where a mistake, resulting in the innocent deaths being placed on his shoulders. Also, confessing his sins would automatically destroy his reputation as well as publicrs trust. Lastly, Hathorne with a mystical tone, says: God be praised! It is a providence! He rushes out the door, and his voice is heard calling down the corridor, He will confess! Proctor will confess!(127). As time, the executions go by, Danforth and Hathorne stay convicted of the authority and truth of the court. Hathor ne becomes extremely joyful when John Proctor is ready to falsely confess to witchcraft. Hathorne regrets nothing. As a result, hysteria overrides logic and allows people to believe that their neighbours, whom they have always considered honest and upright people, are committing ridiculous and far-fetched crimes namely interacting with the devil, killing babies, and so on. In conclusion, hysteria plays a major role in bringing unreasonable acts to the people of Salem. There is no room for deviation from social norms, as anyone whose private life is not in accordance with established moral laws poses a threat not only to the public good but also to God and his religion. This creates an environment in which people act on their grievance and resentments, which is illustrated by many characters throughout the story, as they eventually destroy each other in the process. Hysteria is displayed by societies all over the world. It is a crucial aspect in establishing and, in particular, breaking relationships.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Reflection On Interpersonal Communication - 1091 Words
1. At the start of this course, I wasn’t familiar with the concepts of interpersonal communication in an academic way. Now that I’ve been in the course, I realize that I was familiar with the concepts as they’ve occurred within my life, although these happenings didn’t have a name. Due to the fact that these concepts didn’t have a name, they weren’t fully acknowledged within my life. For example, I came into this course with a grasp of my conflicts and romantic relationship. I knew the necessities, my needs, his needs, and our areas that needed work. I also was having conflict struggles with my boyfriend’s mother and had what I thought was an understanding of the situation. However, I was struggling to navigate effectively within the†¦show more content†¦As such, I am now working to comprehend areas of conflict from a new perspective. 3. Despite all of the newfound knowledge that has been obtained during the course, it can be difficult to apply the concepts that we’ve learned to every situation that we’re faced with. I realized that even though I’d love to resolve conflicts simply with some of the tips from the textbook and lectures, applying such thinking and problem solving methods can be a challenge. Although I believed that I made an attempt to not make assumptions (particularly the assumptions of consistency and communicator independence). Although acknowledging the types of assumptions that we make and how they negatively can impact our relationships is useful, in the early stages of conflict it can be difficult to recognize that such assumptions are being made. For example, my boyfriend’s mother had made an informal agreement with me (or so I had thought it to be informal). I had told her that I would communicate with the other party involved to set a schedule. She and I had both made the assumptions of consistency and simple meaning, causing us to take words at face value without much thought or further discussion. A miscommunication ensued causing her to say some really hurtful things towards me. My boyfriend became involved and a full on feud ensued. During this time, I had refused to understand her perception of the situation allowing the assumption of communicator independence to occur. While in hindsight,Show MoreRelatedReflection On Interpersonal Communication1724 Words  | 7 Pageswhen we talked about non-verbal communication, I realized that it is impossible to not communicate. There are many activities, other than the use of language, that allow us to draw meaning from something we observe. When my mother widens her eyes at me without stating a word, I understand she is telling me to think twice about the action I’m about to take. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The bad things about Obama’s economic plan in foreign policy Free Essays
To say the economic state of America is the most pressing need on the minds of most Americans today, would certainly not be too far from the truth. This is perhaps why both candidates realize that they have to say something at least on this subject. It is sad however to note that Obama’s plans depict a gross lack of understanding of our economic travails. We will write a custom essay sample on The bad things about Obama’s economic plan in foreign policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Indeed, a group of respected economists noted recently that â€Å"Barack Obama’s economic proposals are wrong for the American economy†. Firstly, Obama proposes an overall increase in tax rates just as he admits that this proposal would not serve a weak economy. One wonders therefore how he thinks this would work in present day America. Or is this the strong economy Obama imagines for Americans? Increased tax rates would raise federal spending, bring about a slow in economic growth and of course result in massive job losses which of course heads us for another depression which we sure do not pray for. Again, Obama intends to end America’s trade ties the world over. Now, to decide against international trade is certainly not in our best interest, at least not in these times for the economists said â€Å"international trade is also a powerful source of strength in a weak economy†. Also, more jobs are created when we export our goods abroad and cheap products are also imported for the middle class and low income earners to especially to consume. It is this set of people that Obama’s plans would deprive of this veritable source of livelihood. As part of his plans, he also wishes to withdraw American forces from Iraq so as to free funds for the local economy. But we know that can not be true when an holistic view of the costs and benefits of the war would become after such rash withdrawal. In conclusion, Obama’s plans lack depth and appear destined to fail beyond redemption if allowed to run. How to cite The bad things about Obama’s economic plan in foreign policy, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Hot Zone free essay sample
For instance, he points that Ebola is named after the Ebola River located in Zaire. The first emergence of Ebola Zaire is known to have occurred in 1976 and it killed 9110 people. Furthermore, he points that MARV was named after a German City (Preston, 1994). Apart from the emergence of these viruses, Preston also details some of the biosafety levels and procedures relating to these viruses. For instance, he introduces the reader to the international symbols for biohazards. Some of the symbols include decon which is a short form of decontamination. Section 2: The Monkey House This section describes the events that led to the detection of Reston Virus (RESTV) among imported monkeys in a monkey house located in Reston, Virgin. Hazelton Research Company had imported these monkeys into their quarantine centre for research. Preston narrates the veterinarian decision to send some samples of the monkeys to Fort Detrick in October 1989, after the unusual high number of monkey deaths. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hot Zone or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This virus was found in a mutated form of the original Ebola virus nd was first mistaken for Simian Hemorrhagic Fever (SHV) (Preston, 1994). He further narrates the death of John Jaax. Nancys father also dies later in the narration. Although he does not point that Jack died from the Ebola virus, it seems that Nancy exposed him to it. He further describes some of the actions that the US army and the CDC took in response to the spread of this virus. Section 3: Smashdown This section details the events that led to another virus known as Reston epizootic. It was discovered during the testing process in biosafety level 3 in USAMRIID. Preston oints how two exposed themselves to one of the flasks that appeared to be contaminated with pseudomonas bacterium, when they wafted the flask. Later, it was established that while this virus was so dangerous to monkeys, humans could be infected without any health effects at all. Section 4: Kitum Cave This section details Prestons visit of Kitum Cave in search for answers. He also discusses the role of HIV AIDS in the present and explores Kinshasa Highway also known as the AIDS Highway. This highway is believed to be the first place where AIDS appeared.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Know Your Prepositions! (As, At and By)
Know Your Prepositions! (As, At and By) Know Your Prepositions! (As, At and By) Picking the right preposition can be tricky. After all, there are so many to choose from! But prepositions can be vital for building a grammatical sentence. As such, you’ll need to know how these terms work if you want to avoid errors in your writing. And in this post, we’re taking a closer look at three common prepositions you need to know: â€Å"as,†â€Å"at,†and â€Å"by.†What Are Prepositions? Prepositions are linking words. In particular, they show us how a word is related to other words in a sentence. For example: The man came from Scotland. â€Å"From†here is a preposition that tells us the relationship between â€Å"man†and â€Å"Scotland†(i.e., that â€Å"Scotland†is where the man originated). Most prepositions work like this, coming before a noun or pronoun. But how about the prepositions â€Å"as,†â€Å"at,†and â€Å"by†? What do we use these words for when building a sentence? Lets take a look. As (Function and Character) The word â€Å"as†has several uses. In fact, it isn’t even a preposition most of the time! Usually, it is either an adverb (when making comparisons) or a conjunction (when linking clauses). However, it can also be a preposition. In this case, you would use it before a noun or noun phrase to express the function or character of something: Monique works as a proofreader. Alan was difficult as a child. In the first sentence above, for instance, â€Å"as†points to the type of work Monique does (i.e., proofreading). In the second, â€Å"as†tells us who Alan was when the speaker considered him difficult (i.e., a child). At (Location, Position and State) The good news is that â€Å"at†is always a preposition, which is simpler than â€Å"as.†Unfortunately, it also has many uses as a preposition, so it is still tricky! We won’t try to list all its functions here, but key uses include indicating: A location (e.g., They will be at the party later) When something takes place (e.g., We will get there at 8pm) A point on a scale or in a process (e.g., We’re at the halfway point) A state or condition (e.g., I’m good at basketball) The object of an action or attention (e.g., He keeps staring at the clock) Most of the time, then, we use â€Å"at†to indicate a location, position, or state. By (Responsibility and Means) Finally, we have â€Å"by,†which is almost always a preposition. This term has many uses, but some of the most common include indicating: Who performed an action (e.g., The goal was scored by Viduka) The means by which something was done (e.g., I travelled by bus) The size or amount of a difference (e.g., We improved output by 25%) A deadline or the end of a time period (e.g., We need it finished by Tuesday) That something is next to something (e.g., She found it by the side of the road) The time during which something happens (e.g., Most owls hunt by night) As with â€Å"at,†the variety of uses here can seem confusing. But if you practice using the prepositions above, you should get the hang of them before long!
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
20 Poetic Metaphors About Time
20 Poetic Metaphors About Time According to proverbs, time heals, steals, and flies. In that same vein, time is also something we all make and take, save and spend, keep, waste, kill, and lose. Habitually and almost without thinking, we explain our relationship to time through metaphors. In ​More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor (University of Chicago Press, 1989), George Lakoff and Mark Turner remind us that Metaphor isnt just for poets; its in ordinary language and is the principal way we have of conceptualizing abstract concepts like life, death, and time. So whether were spending it or running out of it (or both), we deal with time metaphorically. 20 Metaphorical Quotes About the Definition of Time Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away. - Ben Hecht Time, you old gipsy man,Will you not stay,Put up your caravanJust for one day? - Ralph Hodgson, Time, You Old Gipsy Man Prince, I warn you, under the rose,Time is the thief you cannot banish.These are my daughters, I suppose.But where in the world did the children vanish? - Phyllis McGinley, Ballade of Lost Objects But thats where I am, theres no escaping it. Times a trap, Im caught in it. - Margaret Atwood, The Handmaids Tale Time is the reef upon which all our frail mystic ships are wrecked. - Noel Coward, Blithe Spirit She tried to discover what kind of woof Old Time, that greatest and longest established Spinner of all, would weave from the threads he had already spun into a woman. But his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his Hands are mutes. - Charles Dickens, Hard Times Time is a storm in which we are all lost. Only inside the convolutions of the storm itself shall we find our directions. - William Carlos Williams, Introduction to Selected Essays Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. - Henry David Thoreau, Walden Time is a flowing river. Happy those who allow themselves to be carried, unresisting, with the current. They float through easy days. They live, unquestioning, in the moment. - Christopher Morley, Where the Blue Begins Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people cant buy more hours; scientists cant invent new minutes. And you cant save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time youve wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. - Denis Waitely, The Joy of Working Old Time, in whose banks we deposit our notesIs a miser who always wants guineas for groats;He keeps all his customers still in arrearsBy lending them minutes and charging them years. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Our Banker Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have, so spend it wisely. - Kay Lyons Time is a fixed income and, as with any income, the real problem facing most of us is how to live successfully within our daily allotment. - Margaret B. Johnstone What am I now that I was then?May memory restore again and againThe smallest color of the smallest day:Time is the school in which we learn,Time is the fire in which we burn. - Delmore Schwartz, Calmly We Walk Through This Aprils Day Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations. - Faith Baldwin, Face Toward the Spring Initially, I was unaware that time, so boundless at first blush, was a prison. - Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory Time is an irreversible arrow, and we can never return to the self that we sloughed off in childhood or adolescence. The man trying to wear youths carefree clothing, the woman costuming her emotions in dolls dresses - these are pathetic figures who want to reverse times arrow. - Joshua Loth Liebman, Renunciation of Immaturity, ​from Peace of Mind Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils. - Hector Berlioz Time is a gift, given to you,given to give you the time you needthe time you need to have the time of your life. - Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Medical Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Medical Career - Essay Example Significantly, the career of a medical physician offers me with ample opportunities and challenges to make me worthwhile to the humanity as it provides room for service, action, respect, security, excitement, mobility, and flexibility both in my career as well as personal life. Medicine is one of the very few effective career choices which fulfils these features of a rewarding career and offers better opportunities for service. Above all, it allows the leeway to grow in the area of Human biology which is one of my important interest-areas. The wider scope of this noble profession is an important factor affecting my choice of medicine as a career. "Most doctors' professional lives are filled with caring for people and continuously learning more about the human body. Every day in communities around the country, doctors work in neighbourhood clinics, hospitals, offices, even homeless shelters and schools to care for people in need. But physicians also do many other things People with me dical skills are in demand everywhere." (Exploring a Medical Career). In other words, a doctor's career is marked by a wider variety of opportunities, as compared to any other profession and there are physician researchers, academic physicians, and practitioners of various other spheres of medicine. Whereas the physician researchers are engaged in efforts to develop exciting new treatments for cancer, genetic disorders, and infectious diseases such as AIDS, the academic physicians share their skills and wisdom by teaching medical students and residents and others who work with health maintenance organizations, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, health insurance companies, or in corporations directing health and safety programs. This wider opportunity in the medical career has been one of the reasons for my choice of this career. Significantly relevant to my choice is also the fact that medical career has several personal, intellectual, and financial rewards that attract me toward this career. It is essential here to make clear that the career development opportunity promised by medicine has great implications in my life as I always have given importance to human biology and wished to have a career growth in this stream. Human biology has been a great fascination for my career dreams and researches related to genetic variation, biological variation, degenerative diseases, infectious diseases, human growth development, and bio-demography etc have great scope in my academic interests. Of all these, biodiversity and genetic diversity have attracted me very much and several topics of personal reading comprised topics related to genetic diversity including genetic characteristics, population genetics, gene diversity, heterozygosity etc. I have been very much interested in the developments and inventions in the medical field of genetics and the application of genetics to human biology. Every time I read about some achievements and inventions in the field of genetics, I was fasci nated towards the capturing capacity of medicine. The understanding of all these factors along with determination for further studies and researches in these areas has been important factors determining my choice to pursue medicine. Primarily, it is the scope of medicine for growth and development in such vital areas of human knowledge, and the opportunity for building up a bright career in the best interest of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Unit 9ASSI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unit 9ASSI - Essay Example This journal article is important to this study since it discusses the demographic transformations that families go through, and how these in turn challenge parenthood and contact with the child. In this article, Wasoff discusses the application of the law to demystify these changing trends when determining the application of contact law. One of the cases that apply to Michelle and Tom’s situation is Jackson v. Tangreen, 199 Arizona 306 P 3d 100 (2000). In this case, the biological father of the child voluntarily withdrew his rights of contact after divorcing his wife, the child’s mother. This, the father did so that the new husband to the child’s mother could adopt the child. However, in an interesting twist, the biological father’s mother petitioned to maintain her visitation rights. The Court of Appeal ruled that the grandparent’s statute of visitation was constitutional. Even the US Supreme court later refused to review the case. Another case that applies to Michelle and Tom’s situation is Troxel ET vir v. Granville, 530 US 57, 2000, which was presided over in the US Supreme Court. In this case, the deceased biological father’s parents filed for visitation, citing the Washington Statute. Washington Statute granted petitions to visitation, whether the plaintiff is biologically related to the child or not, regardless. The mother of the child had agreed to the visitations, but objected the amount of time grandparents spent with the child, and thereby presenting the case to Washington trial court. At first, the trial court ruled in favor of the grandparents. Through the provisions of the Washington appellate system, the child’s mother made an appeal. Resultantly, the Washington Court of Appeal overturned the visitation order that had been issued by the trial court. The statutes that had been considered include the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process and the principles that exist in the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Oral Health Promotion Health And Social Care Essay
Oral Health Promotion Health And Social Care Essay The future of Oral Health within the community is no longer just dependent exclusively on the oral health professional. Rather the necessity is evident to involve the Allies of Health within oral health promotion. The old emphasis on just treatment needs to be removed as it hasnt made a significant reduction in the incidences experienced by an individual as a result of their own oral health problems(NSW Department of Health., 2006). Hence new approach is necceisary, where oral health promotion has been made to help people come to overall health instead of just the illness itself. This new form of oral health promotion aims to have a more of an overall health concentration by considering the determinants of health such as social, environmental, economical and behavioural and the collaboration with allies of health. The Role of each allied health worker and preventative strategies in addressing community health problems allied health professionals are important assets for oral health professionals e.g: pharmacist, speech pathologist, child and family nurses and drug and alcohol service personnel. These allied health workers have a responsibility in oral health promotion as well as having a idiosyncratic role themselves as an allied health worker. Pharmacists have a primary role in the distribution of medications to patients that have been prescribed to them. They play an imperative element in providing patients information by advising patients of the different types of medications available, dosages, and any adverse side effects that the medication may cause and most importantly to ensure the safe and effective use of the medication. They are also at the first point of contact for any questions or queries by the patients who has concerns about health in general and sometimes the first to be approached to find remedies to solve common health issues(Kritikos, 2011). hence the vital need for a pharmacist to be able to educate the community and help manage the health of patients to help improve the result for each individual patient. Some strategies include: Pamphlets and advice about drugs and interactions Initial assessment of general health and recommendations to achieving healthy living Smoking cessation programs Referral pathways options Another example of allied health workers is Speech pathologists. The main roles of speech pathologists are the assessment and/or treatment of individuals who endure speech disabilities. They work closely with these individuals to help with their communication ranging from speech, writing, signs, symbols or gestures(Cowell, 2011). They are also responsible for working with patients who have problems eating and drinking. Speech pathologists are often seen at schools, nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and community health centers. Many strategies are created by speech pathologists to provide information as well as therapy which is important in refrence to early intervention of communication problems(Speech Pathology Australia., 2011). Examples of strategies include: Careful assessment and diagnosis of swallowing programs Management and techniques to Promotion of effective communication Promotion of safe eating practices as well as dietary alternatives Referral pathway options Early Childhood Community Nurses help and work with parents raising a child in the early few years of life. Ensuring that the child is healthy and doing a variety of tests to see if the child is functioning to a satisfactory level by early identification of deviations from the normal and facilitation of interventions to reduce their impact and support parents in having their children ready for life and learning at school entry. With the nurses either conducting home visiting of 1-4 week olds or parents bringing child into the community health centres and using the My first health record blue book the childs progress and development can be monitored as well as detecting anything of concern early. Such as hearing, vision, growth/weight (BMI), immunisation and other programs such as Lift the lip/See me smile. By using screening and surveillance the Nurse, the child and its environment can be seen and the nurse can help with changing it with the family to make sure the child is in the be st environment achievable.(Mackenzie J and Horswell N., 2011). Key preventive strategies for health include: Screening and immunization Parenting groups Breast feeding clinics Home visiting to newborns and continual support for those who are identified as high risk Involvement in campaigns Lip the lip campaign; Initiative to detect early child hood caries Referral pathway options Drug and alcohol service workers are also allied health professionals who offer services that include detoxification, consultation liaisons, abstinence maintenance programs, psychology support and referral to other agencies (Lutz, 2011). They help individuals keep in good health as those who require help perceive health as an issue of little importance therefore placing them at a higher risk of chronic disease. The drug and alcohol services aim is to assist in controlling illnesses related to drugs and alcoholic abuse, and in the long term decrease the usage of said substances till ultimate long term abstienence. This creates a better outlook on the persons general health (Victorian Auditor General., 2011). Key strategies which the drug and alcohol services implement include: Involvement in campaigns Great Whites, Oral health Program Family Drug Helpline Counseling Services Rehabilitation and abstinence programs Pharmacotherapy; methadone clinics Referral pathway options These allied health professionals are vital for oral health promotion as their primary roles allow them to have initial contact to a variety of the community. Oral health professionals can make use of this to integrate oral health messages by communication and networking to reach the general population as well as certain target groups at risk. Communication and Networking Oral health promotion is usually targeted at cohorts within the community which include the whole population, prenatal, infants and preschoolers, school aged children and adolescents, young adults, low income earners, the elderly and rural and remote communities. Communication and networking is vital to construct relations within the allied health workers who provide services for these groups in order to maintain encouragement for oral health. Communication and networking between oral health professionals and pharmacists can address oral health issues of the community. Issues which oral health professional must guarantee the pharmacist understands include the option non-xerostomic medication and how to this can affect oral health especially in the elderly and the need for mouth guards for physical sport to prevent trauma in young adults. With this information the pharmacist is able to educate and guide the patient to better decisions which will affect their oral health and the pharmacist is able to provide referrals to oral health practioners. The communication works in both directions as pharmacist also provide the oral health team with information on drug interactions and if there can be any concerns when providing dental treatment as well as education for the safe prescription of antibiotics in order to maintain a good balance of health. Speech pathologists as a part of their role also deal with patients whom have difficulty communicating as well as swallowing and drinking problems. They play an significant position in the early detection of communicational problems which may affect overall health for infants by distributing information to parents on what to do. Also they help the elderly who may require support with swallowing and drinking problems. Hence it is imperative for oral health professionals to work in association with these allied health workers as they have direct contact with patients whom display dental anomalies such as cleft lip and palate as well as the elderly who may have a reduced functioning dentition. The inter-communications will allow for improved help for conditions by adopting strategies to provide help and education about the importance oral health. Child and family health nurses provide support, education and information for new parents. This support is helpful for the education and the promotion of health which can be implemented at the young ages of the child. Communication between oral health professionals and child and family health nurses will assist in the creation of healthy habits which are established early providing the greatest opportunity for good health in the future and in particular early childhood caries. It is essential to create communication with the child and family nurses so that oral health becomes a early message to the families and children. it is important to detect those at risk early rather than when addressing oral health issues once intervention treatment is required. Drug and alcohol services are available to a wide range of the population and people of various ages in aspects such as drug education, addiction counseling and abstaining programs. Oral health professionals need to include this into the oral health promotion by collaborating with the drug and alcohol services. Oral health messages are vital in regards to drugs and alcohol education as the effects of some drugs also have adverse effects on the paitents oral health. Thereby creating communicational networks will create the ability for sufficient education and information that is available to people by the drug and alcohol service, and when it is neccissary to refer them to an oral health professional. By creating these communicational pathways with the allied health workers, the spread of oral health promotional programs will be distributed throughout the community. This leads to a larger recognition of the need for adequate oral health. This mutual support will help not only oral health but all other aspects of the allied health industry, thereby giving the individual the best help possible. The difference between Health Education and Health Promotion Most people within the community are confused and have trouble differentiating between health educatin and health promotion. There needs to be a obvious and clear difference between the two to enable oral health professionals to make health promotion programs. Health education involves educating individuals to recognize the determinants of health. It provides individual autonomy letting them better their own health by creating their own health plans by increasing knowledge which in turn lead to better attitudes which will lead to appropriate behavior changes (World Health Organization., 2011). Health education is an important part of but not the sum of health promotion. Health promotion integrates the choice of the individual but extends more than this to also include the social responsibilities of health. Health promotion thus also includes health prevention and health protection. Health prevention known as when the risk of disease is reduced through preventing incidence, using interventions which may alter development of disease or rehabilitation of a patient to a level of health that has a slim chance of having a relapse. The aim of health protection is to inhibit poor health by improving the communities living and working conditions. hence health promotion is a holistic approach to health not just focusing on the illness but also concerned with the social and environmental determinants of health(World Health Organization., 2011). as a result of this, to have successful oral health promotion, we as oral health professionals must look beyond just the oral cavity, and look at the overall health of the individual. Therefore it is imperitive to include the allies of health within the oral healh ptomotion to have an equal level of physica, mental and social wellbeing, not just being free from symptoms of disease. This is attained by amalgamation of the common risk factor approach. Incorporation of the Common Risk Factor Approach Allies of health need to be involved in oral health promotion as this can make sure that there is a uniformity within the messages being spread out to the community. The integration of the common risk factors approach helps ensure this, as it is realized many illnesses share similar risk factors. By dealing with these risk factors in health promotion programs can be made to maximize health outcomes. controllable risk factors equate to 32% of Australias total incidence illnesses. The risk factors that affect poor oral health included diet, hygiene, smoking, alcohol and drug use, stress and trauma which are also common for other chronic diseases. If these factors are not managed, it will be difficult to assits the individual find health. Examples of these risk factors include smoking which costs up to 5.7 billion a year in lost productivity or alcohol which contributes to 1.9 million in health effects(The Pharmacy Guild of Australia., 2010). As there are various risk factors that affect ones oral health, it is best to collaborate with the Allies of Health to gain help for the risk factors instead of relying only on the oral health professional to help for all risk factors. Equipped with the multiple health services, individuals are able be given all help possible to help reach good health as well as good oral health. (Sheiham A, 2000) Allies of health are able to give specialized advice in their own field, e.g pharmacist can show a non-xerostomic drug or educational pamphlets that the pharmacist can provide regarding smoking cessation and alcohol use. Speech pathologists can help with issues with eating food. The early childhood nurse is able to provide advice about a childs teeth by lifting the lip, diet information and also the management of stress such as post-partum/anti-natal depression. The Drug and Alcohol program is able to give help to assist individuals find control over their addiction. Integration of the 5 principles of the Ottawa Charter Health promotion is based around the Ottawa Charter, this is no different for oral health promotion. To be successful the health promotion must incorporate 5 key principals: Building healthy public policy Create supportive environments Strengthening community action Developing personal skills Re-orientating health services Health promotion is the mutual work of what health is, income and social policies that provide equality to everyone. Oral Health promotion consists of the allies of health that assist in creating a healthy public policy. The joint work of the allies of health assists in identifying the factors that create bad oral health, and how to remove said factors. An example is the Early Childhood nurse, who provides new parents a My First Health Record (Blue Book).An Oral Health example could be that, an oral health professional may be the first see the signs of smoking or drug abuse. Advice can be given but a referral to another area of the allies of health such as the drug and alcohol service is the ultimate goal. Health promotion can only exist if there is a good amount of cooperation within the community and between the alied health workers. Information received from an oral health professional is usually received in short unreggular times as it is usually during appointments they have contact. Therefore the importance is evident for allied health workers to assist each other in promoting not only oral health but all aspects of health. for example an oral health professional reffering a patient to a drug and alcohol worker or an pharmacist providing information on non-xerostomic alternatives to medicines they have. Health promotion is not a task that can be done by a solitary organization. It is the multiple health services correspondantivly working together i.e allies of health. The allies of health that consists of the mutual work between the services that allows for proper health promotion to occur. True health promotion is an understanding that its not only being free from illness, it is that an individuals holistic health is of a adequate level. Hence the vital point that all allies of health must work together to not only treat e.g the oral cavity but also provide information for smoking cessation at the same time, providing insight and information of the illnesses one can contract. Hence it is not solely the oral health professionals responsibility to promote oral health, but it is also the role of all areas of the allies of health. In conclusion it is consequently fundamental to involve allies of health in oral health promotion because by recognizing their roles within the community, oral health professionals can work together with other allies of health e.g drug and alcohol services to detract from only health education and enter a health promotionary phase. This will enable all the allies of health to have a higher success rate by being thoughtful to the common risk factors approach to health promotion thereby following the principals of the ottowa charter. As it is known, it cannot be done alone. It can only be done with allies.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Random Variable and Highest Expected Profit
I. Introduction Arrowmark Vending has the contract to supply pizza at football games for a university. The operations manager, Tom Kealey, faces the challenge of determining how many pizzas to make available at the games. We have been provided with demand distributions for pizza based on past experience and know that Tom will only supply plain cheese and pepperoni and cheese combo pizzas. We also know that there is a fixed cost of $1,000 allocated equally between the two types of pizzas, and that the costs to make plain cheese pizza and pepperoni and cheese pizza are $4. 50 and $5. 0 respectively. Both pizzas sell for $9. 00 and unsold pizzas have no value. The purpose of this report is to provide Tom with some information regarding how many of each type of pizza he should produce if he wants to achieve the highest expected profit from pizza sales at the game. II. Analysis In order to determine at which production level Tom will achieve the highest expected profit, it is first necess ary to determine the potential profit or loss associated with producing at each demand level. To do this, a discrete probability distribution is composed for each potential level of production.For example, if 200 plain cheese pizzas are produced and 200 are demanded, the potential profit is $400. This profit consists of $1800 in sales revenue minus $1400 in costs ($900+$500 fixed). This profit will result regardless of whether more than 200 are demanded. Accordingly, if 400 cheese pizzas are produced and only 200 demanded, there is a potential loss of $500. Using these distributions, we are then able calculate the distribution’s mean, which is the expected value of the profits at each level of production.The expected profits in this case are the weighted average of the potential profit values, in which the weights are the probabilities. The expected profits associated with each type of pizza are provided in the tables below: | | Expected Profits at each Production Level| | | 200| 300| 400| 500| 600| 700| 800| 900| Plain Cheese Demand| 200| $40| -$5| -$50| -$95| -$140| -$185| -230| -275| | 300| $60| $128| $60| -$8| -$75| -$143| -210| -277. 5| | 400| $60| $128| $195| $128| $60| -$8| -75| -142. | | 500| $80| $170| $260| $350| $260| $170| 80| -10| | 600| $80| $170| $260| $350| $440| $350| 260| 170| | 700| $40| $85| $130| $175| $220| $265| 220| 175| | 800| $20| $43| $65| $88| $110| $133| 155| 132. 5| | 900| $20| $43| $65| $88| $110| $133| 155| 177. 5| | Total| $400 | $760 | $985 | $1,075 | $985 | $715 | $355 | $(50)| | | 300| 400| 500| 600| 700| 800| Pepperoni and Cheese Demand| 300| $70| $20| -$30| -$80| -$130| -$180| | 400| $140| $220| $120| $20| -$80| -$180| | 500| $175| $275| $375| $250| $125| $0| | 600| $175| $275| $375| $475| $350| $225| | 700| $105| $165| $225| $285| $345| $270| 800| $35| $55| $75| $95| $115| $135| | Total| $700 | $1,010 | $1,140 | $1,045 | $725 | $270 | III. Recommendation If Kealey wants to achieve the highest expected profit from p izza sales at the game, he should produce 500 cheese pizzas and 500 pepperoni and cheese pizzas. Looking at the tables, we know this is the best option because we see the highest expected profit of $1,075 associated with this production level for cheese pizza and $1,140 in profit for pepperoni and cheese pizza. This number takes into account the probabilities at each demand level, so we can be reasonably assured that this is an accurate recommendation.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Obesity Has Been A Problem In America For Multiple Years.
Obesity has been a problem in America for multiple years. Obesity rates in the United States are going to increase 37% in the next twenty-five years (Pomeranz 2009). According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 68.8% of adults are overweight or obese, one in every 20 people or 6.3% of adults have extreme obesity and 3 in every 4 males or 74% of males are obese (Overweight and Obesity 2009). Once someone comes to the realization that they are obese, it can be hard to turn their life around and lose some of that weight that is making them obese. Obesity can be the cause of multiple health related issues that Americans face. For example, obesity can cause type two diabetes, cardio metabolic disease,†¦show more content†¦Children think that because their favorite character is eating McDonalds, then it is okay for them to eat McDonalds as well. Unfortunately, there are many other forms of marketing out there. For example, there is product pl acement, viral marketing, and sponsorships (Frechette 2015). Good marketing can include anything that has to do with fruits, vegetables, or being active. Unfortunately, you don’t see much of that on television. If Americans can change how they market to children and how they market food choices, then obesity can be managed better and children can live a longer life without the fear of diseases. Another factor when it comes to obesity is legal situations. The first two people to address how the law could change obesity were Mello, Brennan, and Gostin in 2006 (Pomeranz 2009). They suggested improving schools nutrition, activity, and health activity. Legal situations go hand in hand with marketing. Just like marketing, there can be good legal situations and bad legal situations. An example of a bad or failed legal situation is The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for food and drink commercials that are advertised on television (Kass 2007). In 1978 after the FTC was established, they proposed a rule called KidVid. This rule was made to protect children even more from television commercials. However, in 1981 congress putShow MoreRelated Health Risks and Obesity Essay1397 Words  | 6 PagesObesity has become the silent killer in American society. It is a risk factor for numerous chronic diseases including the four leading causes of death. Obesity can be linked to stroke, heart disease, cancer and diabetes, all serious health problems that can be fatal. Obesity is linked to 300,000 deaths annually in the industrial world (Flamholz, 2001). Often in society and in the medical community there exists a lack of understanding that obesity is in fact a disease and needs attention, otherwiseRead MoreCalifornias Obesity Problem635 Words  | 3 PagesCalifornia’s Obesity Problem According to the World Health Organization, obesity kills over 2.8 million people worldwide each year. California has its share of obesity rates. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Accounting Fraud and Problem-based Learning Case
ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 18, No. 2 May 2003 pp. 137à ±173 The Tallahassee BeanCounters: A Problem-Based Learning Case in Forensic Auditing Cindy Durtschi ABSTRACT: You are auditing the books of the Tallahassee BeanCounters (TBC), a minor league baseball team in Tallahassee, Florida. During your audit the teamà s owner, Franklin Kennedy, approaches you and offers an additional fee if you will quietly investigate the possibility of fraud within the firm. Mr. Kennedy reports that he received an anonymous tip and, based on that information, believes that someone within the firm could be perpetrating fraud. Your task is to use the information given here (the financial books and back-up documents) as a starting point for your†¦show more content†¦Heà s always out on promotional trips. He may be the president, but it is Ben Hill who really runs the place.à ® Terri Hughes (Assistant to the President): à ¬Terri guards Ackersà office like the Centurion Guards. Ità s impossible to get hold of Ackers to ask the simplest question because Terri will nip your heels right out of the office.à ® Tucker Johnson (General Manager): à ¬Mr. Johnson is great. He used to play pro ball. The team loves him. He can be tough, but heà s good. Weà ve sent a lot of guys up to the majors. He doesnà t like the paperwork. He lets me do most of the ordering and stuff.à ® Ben Hill (Office Manager): à ¬Benà s a piece of work. He dresses only in suits and is always hitting on the 20-year-olds, even though heà s got to be 40. Got a bunch of ex-wives. The girls think heà s disgusting; maybe ità s the comb-over. Some people in the office complain that heà s à «all overà their work, but he sure keeps the place running smoothly. Luckily, heà s healthy. I donà t know what would become of this place if he ever took a vacation. He changed our equipment vendor recently. The new rep and Ben seem tight. I think ità s a good change. Not only is the equipment always on time, but also the salesman, Charlie Thurgood, delivers it personally! Sure has kept Mr. Johnson off my back.à ® Michelle Shelton (A/P Clerk): à ¬Sheà s Tucker Johnsonà s niece. She works hard, but as soon as it is 5 P.M ., sheà s out at the dugout hanging around the guys. Sheà s cute andShow MoreRelatedKey Elements For Commit Fraud1673 Words  | 7 PagesElements There are five elements needed to commit fraud: (1) a false statement containing material fact, (2) the defendant possesses the knowledge that the statement is untrue, (3) the false statement’s intent is to deceive the intended victim, (4) the intended victim justifiably relies on the statement, and (5) the ending result is financial injuries to the intended victim. All false statements do not constitute for fraud; it needs to contain a material fact. 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